带有 tcolorboxes 和条件排版的 NewDocumentEnvironment

带有 tcolorboxes 和条件排版的 NewDocumentEnvironment

对于我的课程作业,我想创建一个Exercise问题陈述的环境(继续提出的想法这里) 和另一个环境,只有当为Answer时才会排版。下面是一个(不那么简单的) MWE:AnsReq \newiftrue

\setlength{\parindent}{0bp} %No indent wanted

\tcbset{boxsep=0pt,tcbox raise base}

\newtcolorbox[auto counter] {Exercise}[1][]{%
  before upper={

\newif\ifAnsReq                     %If it's true, then typeset answers 
\NewDocumentEnvironment { Answer }
  { +b }
  { \ifAnsReq
    \tcbox[colupper=blue!50!black]{\sc Answer:}\par

\tikzset{baseline=(current bounding box.center),>=Latex,
  ampersand replacement=\&,                                %Must use this!

\AnsReqtrue %comment if don't want to typeset the answer

  An exercise\footnote{This is the footnote} with a footnote.

  The answer:
        every node/.style={
        circle,draw,fill,inner sep=1.5pt},
        row sep=2.5em,
        column sep=2.5em
      ] {
        \node (one)  {}; \& \node (two) {}; \\
        \path (one) edge (two);
        \node[left=0pt of one] {$1$};
        \node[right=0pt of two] {$2$};

    Another exercise (see \textbf{exercise \ref{ej:1}}).

\begin{Answer} I don't know anything about \TeX! \end{Answer}


设置AnsReq打印true答案: 答案排版 虽然所示的代码执行了所建议的任务,但我认为它有一些缺点,例如,矩阵ampersand replacement中的选项tikz是必要的(例如,参见:)我想知道是否有可能以更优雅的方式开发这些想法,并且不会出现上述不便。
