Ubuntu 20.04 打印机“选择驱动程序”-“更改驱动程序”列表不显示

Ubuntu 20.04 打印机“选择驱动程序”-“更改驱动程序”列表不显示

我刚刚更新到 Ubuntu 20.04。“打印机”“选择驱动程序”“更改驱动程序”列表的选项列表没有像在 Ubuntu 18.04 中那样显示。这会无限期地显示。


我尝试通过添加以下 3 个存储库来解决这个问题,但没有成功:

deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu focal-security main restricted
deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu focal-security universe
deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu focal-security multiverse

我期望的是打印机制造商列表(包括 Brother、Canon、HP),然后能够选择制造商下的打印机型号。

我实际上试图安装的是HP LaserJet 1012驱动程序为 STP02205.PPD。我在网上找不到此驱动程序文件。此文件位于Ubuntu 18.04


sudo  apt-get --reinstall install hplip hplip-gui


sudo ./hplip-3.20.6.run


Running 'sudo apt-get install --assume-yes python-pyqt5'
Please wait, this may take several minutes...
error: Package install command failed with error code 100
Would you like to retry installing the missing package(s) 


我不确定是否hplip-3.20.6.run想使用Python 2.7(现已走到生命尽头)或Python 3


error: A required dependency 'pyqt5 (PyQt 5- Qt interface for Python (for Qt version 4.x))' is still missing.
error: Installation cannot continue without this dependency.
error: Please manually install this dependency and re-run this installer.

我也想分享结果pip3 search pyqt5。我不知道我应该安装什么。


Running 'sudo apt-get install --assume-yes python-dbus.mainloop.pyqt5'
Please wait, this may take several minutes...
error: Package install command failed with error code 100

Running 'sudo apt-get install --assume-yes python-notify'
Please wait, this may take several minutes...
error: Package install command failed with error code 100

Running 'sudo apt-get install --assume-yes python-reportlab'
Please wait, this may take several minutes...
error: Package install command failed with error code 100

更让我困惑的是,我在全新安装时也收到同样的错误Ubuntu Studio 20.04。这让我怀疑它是否hplip-3.20.6.run已经过测试和调整,可用于最新的 Ubuntu LTS 版本。


命令sudo apt-get 更新 && sudo apt-get 升级刷新时没有任何错误,也没有任何软件更新。


Running 'sudo apt-get install --assume-yes python-pyqt5'
Please wait, this may take several minutes...
error: Package install command failed with error code 100

Running 'sudo apt-get install --assume-yes python-dbus.mainloop.pyqt5'
Please wait, this may take several minutes...
error: Package install command failed with error code 100

Running 'sudo apt-get install --assume-yes python-notify'
Please wait, this may take several minutes...
error: Package install command failed with error code 100

Running 'sudo apt-get install --assume-yes python-reportlab'
Please wait, this may take several minutes...
error: Package install command failed with error code 100


error: A required dependency 'pyqt5 (PyQt 5- Qt interface for Python (for Qt version 4.x))' is still missing.
error: Installation cannot continue without this dependency.
error: Please manually install this dependency and re-run this installer.

我使用的原因sudo ./hplip-3.20.6.run是由于600 多个权限相关错误造成无须藤


rpiggott@rpiggott-Aspire-5742Z:~/Downloads$ hp-setup

Command 'hp-setup' not found, but can be installed with:

sudo apt install hplip

rpiggott@rpiggott-Aspire-5742Z:~/Downloads$ sudo apt install hplip
[sudo] password for rpiggott: 
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree       
Reading state information... Done
hplip is already the newest version (3.20.3+dfsg0-2).
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. 


Can't open /etc/hp/hplip.conf: No such file or directory.


无法安装我的根本原因HP LaserJet 1012打印机是使用二进制而不是 Ubuntu 提供的内容。

步骤 1:从二进制文件中清除现有 HP 软件

sudo apt-get purge hplip hplip-data hplip-doc hplip-gui hpijs-ppds libsane-hpaio printer-driver-hpcups printer-driver-hpijs

步骤 2:删除目录(如果存在)

sudo rm -rf /usr/share/hplip/

步骤 3:删除不再需要的包

sudo apt-get autoremove

步骤 4:安装 HP 图形用户界面:

sudo apt-get install hplip-gui

步骤5:使用Ubuntu 20.04图形界面本地HP LIP工具并按照提示添加您的HP打印机。

此答案基于先前的询问 Ubuntu邮政。
