错误:在 ubuntu 20.04 上构建并安装 Containernet (Mininet)

错误:在 ubuntu 20.04 上构建并安装 Containernet (Mininet)

我想在 Ubuntu 20.4 上安装 containernet(Mininet),但出现此错误,尽管我已经安装了(cgroup-tools),但我输入了 sudo ansible-playbook -i "localhost," -c local install.yml 错误消息

fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd":
 "containernet/util/install.sh", "delta": "0:00:05.640086", "end": "2020-09-01 16:09:32.350865", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": 100, 
"start": "2020-09-01 16:09:26.710779", "stderr": "E: Package 'cgroup-bin' 
has no installation candidate", "stderr_lines": ["E: Package 'cgroup-bin' 
has no installation candidate"], "stdout": "Detected Linux distribution: 
Ubuntu 20.04 focal amd64\npython3 is version 3\nInstalling all packages 
except for -eix (doxypy, ivs, nox-classic)...\nInstall Mininet-compatible 
kernel if necessary\nHit:1 http://au.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu focal 
InRelease\nHit:2 https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu focal 
InRelease\nHit:3 http://au.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu focal-updates 
InRelease\nHit:4 http://au.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu focal-backports 
InRelease\nHit:5 http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu focal-security 
InRelease\nReading package lists...\nReading package lists...\nBuilding 
dependency tree...\nReading state information...\nlinux-image-5.4.0-42-
generic is already the newest version (5.4.0-42.46).\nThe following package 
was automatically installed and is no longer required:\n  libfprint-
2-tod1\nUse 'sudo apt autoremove' to remove it.\n0 to upgrade, 0 to newly 
install, 0 to remove and 0 not to upgrade.\nInstalling Mininet 
dependencies\nReading package lists...\nBuilding dependency tree...\nReading 
state information...\nPackage cgroup-bin is not available, but is referred 
to by another package.\nThis may mean that the package is missing, has been 
obsoleted, or\nis only available from another source\nHowever the following 
packages replace it:\n  cgroup-tools", "stdout_lines": ["Detected Linux 
distribution: Ubuntu 20.04 focal amd64", "python3 is version 3", "Installing 
all packages except for -eix (doxypy, ivs, nox-classic)...", "Install 
Mininet-compatible kernel if necessary", "Hit:1 http://au.archive.ubuntu.com
/ubuntu focal InRelease", "Hit:2 https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu 
focal InRelease", "Hit:3 http://au.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu focal-updates 
InRelease", "Hit:4 http://au.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu focal-backports 
InRelease", "Hit:5 http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu focal-security 
InRelease", "Reading package lists...", "Reading package lists...", 
"Building dependency tree...", "Reading state information...", "linux-image-
5.4.0-42-generic is already the newest version (5.4.0-42.46).", "The 
following package was automatically installed and is no longer required:", "  
libfprint-2-tod1", "Use 'sudo apt autoremove' to remove it.", "0 to upgrade, 
0 to newly install, 0 to remove and 0 not to upgrade.", "Installing Mininet 
dependencies", "Reading package lists...", "Building dependency tree...", 
"Reading state information...", "Package cgroup-bin is not available, but is 
referred to by another package.", "This may mean that the package is 
missing, has been obsoleted, or", "is only available from another source", 
"However the following packages replace it:", "  cgroup-tools"]}



我也遇到了类似的问题。我认为 containernet 的 ansible 使用的是 cgi-bin,它本身已被弃用,只能通过 cgroup-tools 访问。这是 20.04 的问题。

我建议您使用 docker 镜像,因为它在 ubuntu trusty 上运行,并且 docker 容器易于管理。



通过安装sudo dpkg -i cgroup-bin_*.deb
