德州仪器 Nspire cx ii-t tilp2 的 IT 访问问题

德州仪器 Nspire cx ii-t tilp2 的 IT 访问问题

我最近不得不购买一个 ti nspire,但是在通过我的电脑与计算器通信时遇到了问题,而 tilp 检测到我的 ti-83!,我正在运行 Ubuntu 22.04.1,并且我通过 bach 脚本安装了 Tilp2,但在启动时出现此错误:

Msg: failed to open the USB device.
Cause: Check that the USB cable is plugged in and that the calculator is turned ON! Also, check libusb and usbfs for valid permissions.


(tilp:461281): ticables-WARNING **: 20:18:17.115: no devices found!

tilp-INFO: 20:18:17.115: Opening cable DirectLink on port #1 to communicate with calculator Nspire

(tilp:461281): ticables-CRITICAL **: 20:18:17.115: ticables_get_model(NULL)

(tilp:461281): ticables-CRITICAL **: 20:18:17.115: ticables_get_port(NULL)
ticables-INFO: 20:18:17.115: Check for libusb support:
ticables-INFO: 20:18:17.115:     usb support: available.
ticables-INFO: 20:18:17.115: Check for libusb usability:
ticables-INFO: 20:18:17.115:     usb filesystem (/dev/bus/usb/): mounted

(tilp:461281): ticables-WARNING **: 20:18:17.115: no devices found!

ticalcs-INFO: 20:18:17.115: Cable DirectLink port #1 attached
tilp-INFO: 20:18:17.115: Msg: failed to open the USB device.
Cause: Check that the USB cable is plugged in and that the calculator is turned ON! Also, check libusb and usbfs for valid permissions.
System: Resource temporarily unavailable (errno = 11)

(tilp:461281): GLib-GIO-DEBUG: 20:18:17.154: _g_io_module_get_default: Found default implementation local (GLocalVfs) for ‘gio-vfs’
