安装 nVidia 387.34 的最简单方法

安装 nVidia 387.34 的最简单方法

我有一个带有默认内核的 Ubuntu 17.10 64 位。

我现在已经更新它,我的 NVIDIA 驱动程序版本是 384.90。

我想使用 CUDA 9.1,但它需要 NVIDIA 驱动程序版本 r387。执行以下操作:

sudo ./cuda_9.1.85_387.26_linux.run -silent -driver


错误:NVIDIA 内核模块“nvidia-drm”似乎已加载

   your kernel.  This may be because it is in use (for example, by an X

   server, a CUDA program, or the NVIDIA Persistence Daemon), but this

   may also happen if your kernel was configured without support for

   module unloading.  Please be sure to exit any programs that may be

   using the GPU(s) before attempting to upgrade your driver.  If no

   GPU-based programs are running, you know that your kernel supports

   module unloading, and you still receive this message, then an error

   may have occured that has corrupted an NVIDIA kernel module's usage

   count, for which the simplest remedy is to reboot your computer.

我已将其移至文本模式运行该命令sudo init 4但仍然出现相同的错误。




安装 nVidia 387.34 的最简单方法


从 nVidia 384.98 升级到 387.34 最简单的方法是转到System Settings-> Software & Updates->Additional Drivers然后出现此屏幕

nVidia 387 安装

勾选该选项387.34,当前 384.98 选项将自动取消勾选。然后保存更改并重新启动。

笔记:如果您手动安装了 nVidia 的部分组件,您可能会遇到需要手动清除旧版本等复杂情况。在这种情况下,请查看此处的问答数据库以寻找解决方案。如果找不到解决方案,请发布新问题。
