zsh 中的extend_history 是做什么的?

zsh 中的extend_history 是做什么的?

我看到了选项 Extended_history 并看到它的使用方式如下zsh 中每个目录的历史记录但还没有真正理解extend_history实际上是做什么的?

什么信息。将在 zsh_history 中可用,否则如果未设置此选项则不会。



    Save each command’s beginning timestamp (in seconds since the epoch) and the duration (in seconds) to the history file. The format of this prefixed data is:

    ‘: <beginning time>:<elapsed seconds>;<command>’. 

但至少在运行历史命令时我没有看到它有任何好处 -

 shirish@debian ~ % history | grep tail -5
      601* exit
      602* history
      603* exit
      604  cd
      605  cat ~/.zsh/.zshrc
      606   tail -5 history

这就是我的~/.zsh/.zshrc设置方式 -

shirish@debian ~ % cat ~/.zsh/.zshrc
# Lines configured by zsh-newuser-install
setopt inc_append_history autocd nomatch notify share_history extended_history
bindkey -e
# End of lines configured by zsh-newuser-install

# display how long all tasks over 10 seconds take
export REPORTTIME=10

# The following lines were added by compinstall
zstyle :compinstall filename '/home/shirish/.zsh//.zshrc'

autoload -Uz compinit promptinit
# End of lines added by compinstall

prompt adam1


shirish@debian ~ % cat ~/.zsh/.zshrc | grep setopt
setopt inc_append_history autocd nomatch notify share_history extended_history
shirish@debian ~ % source ~/.zsh/.zshrc           
shirish@debian ~ % history -E                     
  337  11.1.2018 23:33  history | grep apg
  338  11.1.2018 23:33  man apg
  339  11.1.2018 23:33  cd
  340  11.1.2018 23:33  apg -a 1 -M n -n 3 -m 20
  341  11.1.2018 23:33  apg -a 1 -M SNCL -n 3 -m 20
  342  11.1.2018 23:33  history 
  343  11.1.2018 23:33  history -E
  344  11.1.2018 23:33  leafpad ~/.zsh/.zshrc
  345  11.1.2018 23:33  cat ~/.zsh/.zshrc
  346  11.1.2018 23:33  source ~/.zsh/.zshrc
  347  11.1.2018 23:33  history -E
  348  11.1.2018 23:33  exit
  349  11.1.2018 23:33  history -E
  350  11.1.2018 23:34  leafpad ~/.zsh/.zshrc
  351  11.1.2018 23:35  cat ~/.zsh/.zshrc | grep setopt
  352  11.1.2018 23:35  source ~/.zsh/.zshrc
shirish@debian ~ % leafpad ~/.zsh/.zshrc          
shirish@debian ~ % source ~/.zsh/.zshrc 
shirish@debian ~ % history -E           
  340  11.1.2018 23:33  apg -a 1 -M n -n 3 -m 20
  341  11.1.2018 23:33  apg -a 1 -M SNCL -n 3 -m 20
  342  11.1.2018 23:33  history 
  343  11.1.2018 23:33  history -E
  344  11.1.2018 23:33  leafpad ~/.zsh/.zshrc
  345  11.1.2018 23:33  cat ~/.zsh/.zshrc
  346  11.1.2018 23:33  source ~/.zsh/.zshrc
  347  11.1.2018 23:33  history -E
  348  11.1.2018 23:33  exit
  349  11.1.2018 23:33  history -E
  350  11.1.2018 23:34  leafpad ~/.zsh/.zshrc
  351  11.1.2018 23:35  cat ~/.zsh/.zshrc | grep setopt
  352  11.1.2018 23:35  source ~/.zsh/.zshrc
  353  11.1.2018 23:35  history -E
  354  11.1.2018 23:36  leafpad ~/.zsh/.zshrc
  355  11.1.2018 23:36  source ~/.zsh/.zshrc
shirish@debian ~ % cat ~/.zsh/.zshrc | grep setopt
setopt inc_append_history autocd nomatch notify share_history


% zsh --version
zsh 5.4.2 (x86_64-debian-linux-gnu)


无论选项是什么, 的输出history -E总是相同的EXTENDED_HISTORY。命令的持续时间直接存储在历史文件中(只需检查文件即可查看值)。

然而,另一个问题是有一些选项可以覆盖此行为。您可以通过运行类似的命令来测试它是否正常工作sleep 3,这应该会产生如下所示的条目:

pol@host ~ $ sleep 3
pol@host ~ $ tail -1 ${HISTFILE}
: 1530663493:3;sleep 3
pol@host ~ $ setopt | grep hist

您可以看到“持续时间”值为 3。如果它不是 3,则很可能您设置了另一个阻止EXTENDED_HISTORY工作的选项。这些包括SHARED_HISTORYINC_APPEND_HISTORY。如果您需要前者,那么您就不走运了。对于后一种情况,INC_APPEND_HISTORY_TIME如果您还想拥有EXTENDED_HISTORY值(如我上面所述),则可以使用另一种替代方法。


我会注意到这个答案https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/453336/277040有点误导。确实,输出格式无论状态如何,都history -E将相同,但如果Zsh 会话始终如此,则EXTENDED_HISTORY时间戳将相对毫无意义。unsetopt EXTENDED_HISTORY的每一行都HISTFILE将包含一个没有任何时间戳信息的命令,因此history -E所有这些命令都会输出相同的时间(打开特定 shell 并将其HISTFILE读入内存的时间)。


echo 1
echo 3
echo 5

当我在写这个答案的那天下午 5:03 打开 shell 时,history -E输出:

    1  24.6.2020 17:03  echo 1
    2  24.6.2020 17:03  echo 3
    3  24.6.2020 17:03  echo 5
