Anything-sync-daemon 不制作备份快照

Anything-sync-daemon 不制作备份快照

我已经安装了 Anything-sync-daemon (“asd”)并根据此页面进行了最低配置:

Anything-sync-daemon - ArchWiki

运行asd p给出以下输出:

Anything-sync-daemon v5.85 on Arch Linux

Systemd service is currently active.
Systemd resync service is currently active.
Overlayfs technology is currently inactive.

Asd will manage the following per /run/asd.conf settings:

owner/group id:     myuser/1000
target to manage:   /home/myuser/.cache
sync target:        /home/myuser/.cache-backup_asd
tmpfs target:       /tmp/asd-myuser/home/myuser/.cache
dir size:           3.3G
recovery dirs:      none

执行时cat /etc/asd.conf显示除 WHATTOSYNC 之外的默认值的所有内容:


# The default is to save the most recent 5 crash recovery snapshots.

BACKUP_LIMIT 是默认值,如上所示。

systemctl list-timers 显示:

Mon 2018-02-05 19:20:13 EST  53min left    Mon 2018-02-05 18:20:13 EST  6min ago     asd-resync.timer             asd-resync.service

如何告诉 asd 制作备份快照?
