用于低级格式化硬盘的 DOS 调试脚本是什么?

用于低级格式化硬盘的 DOS 调试脚本是什么?

用于低级格式化硬盘的 DOS 调试脚本是什么?



我记得我读过,可能是从 Scott Mueller 的 UGRP 书中,可能是从 David Dick 的 PC 支持手册中,也可能是从某本旧杂志上的一些奇怪的文章中,其中提到你可以使用调试对硬盘驱动器进行低级格式化。我在这里看到了一个相关链接 http://www.fdisk.com/fdisk/HardDrive.htm (他说他很难在 SATA 上完成,但如果是我的硬盘,那么我会冒险。另一个不特定于 SATA 的链接说,可能发生的最糟糕的情况是它会格式化硬盘)


这是有关使用调试进行低级格式化的 MS 链接



据我所知,该脚本似乎可以在硬盘控制器的 BIOS 上运行。(我认为,当硬盘无法启动时,人们会将其更换为相同或相同的芯片组,即绿色 PCB)。

http://www.computerhope.com/jargon/l/lowlevel.htm 此链接看起来很棒,并提供了以下脚本

Erase all hard drive information

This debug routine is used to erase all partition information on the hard disk drive and is only recommend for experienced users or users who are unable to delete the partition information through fdisk.

In the below debug routine, only type what is in bold from line 3 to 8, you will get a response if typed in properly. If you get a response continue to type the bold text as shown below in the below example.

A:\>debug <enter>
-F 200 L1000 0 <enter>
-A CS:100 <enter>
xxxx:0100 MOV AX,301 <enter>
xxxx:0103 MOV BX,200 <enter>
xxxx:0106 MOV CX,1 <enter>
xxxx:0109 MOV DX,80 <enter>

(80 for hd 0 or 81 for hd 1 )

xxxx:010C INT 13 <enter>
xxxx:010E INT 20 <enter>
xxxx:0110 <enter>
-g <enter>
Program terminated normally

Once this debug routine is complete, reboot computer and all partitions should be erased. Before anything can be installed back onto the computer you must run Fdisk and recreate the partition as well as format the hard disk drive.

Additional information about fdisk can be found on our fdisk page.
Additional information about format can be found on our format page.
Erase hard drive and clear CMOS

Before doing the below routine ensure that you read our disclaimer as well as are sure that this is safe to do on your hard drive. Some computer hard drive manufacturers may void your warranty or this may cause damage to the hard drive when doing the below example. This routine is useful in clearing DDO and removing possible viruses. If this routine completes successfully it will erase everything from your Hard drive as well as your reset your CMOS values.

In the below debug routine, only type what is in bold from line 3 to 17, you will get a response if typed in properly. If you get a response continue to type the bold text as shown below in the below example.

A:\>debug <enter>
-fcs:200 400 0 <enter>
-acs:100 <enter>
-xxxx:0100 mov ax, 0 <enter>
-xxxx:0103 mov ax, cx <enter>
-xxxx:0105 out 70, al <enter>
-xxxx:0107 mov ax, 0 <enter>
-xxxx:010a out 71,al <enter>
-xxxx:010c inc cx <enter>
-xxxx:010d cmp cx,100 <enter>
-xxxx:0111 jb 103 <enter>
-xxxx:0113 mov ax,302 <enter>
-xxxx:0116 mov bx,200 <enter>
-xxxx:0119 mov cx,1 <enter>
-xxxx:011c mov dx,80 <enter>
-xxxx:011f int 13 <enter>
-xxxx:012l int 20 <enter>
-xxxx:0123 <enter> (without typing anything.)
-g <enter>
program terminated normally
If you are doing this debug routine to clear out a possible virus turn off your computer and wait and turn back on.
-q <enter>
Once back at DOS, reboot your computer

When your computer comes back on from doing the above you will get an error message as booting up the computer, such as Invalid Configuration. You must enter CMOS and set the time and date, save, and reboot again. Once rebooted, you will then need to run fdisk and recreate the partitions. Once created, you will then need to format the hard drive and proceed as normal.

fdisk.com 链接提到了一堆链接

似乎存在问题,它提到警告:某些计算机需要使用第三方硬盘分区软件,因为系统 ROM BIOS 不完全支持正在使用的硬盘的驱动器参数,或者因为硬盘的数据柱面超过 1024 个。如果您不确定系统是否支持您的硬盘,请在继续操作之前咨询硬件制造商或分区软件制造商。此外,MS-DOS 版本 3.3 可以寻址多个硬盘分区,主 DOS 分区最大为 32 MB,扩展 DOS 分区包含每个最大 32 MB 的逻辑驱动器;MS-DOS 版本 4.0、4.01、5.0、6.0 和 6.2 可以寻址最大大小为 2 千兆字节 (GB) 的多个硬盘分区。

这是戴尔链接 http://support.dell.com/us/en/kb/document.asp?DN=TT1011054 但它坏了..大多数都没有包括它,但幸运的是,脚本似乎仍然可以在这里使用 http://www.allquests.com/question/2211276/Windows-Defragmenter-corrupts-disk.html


"MS-DOS?? Partition Removal Debug Script 

CAUTION: This debug script is for advanced users only. Its purpose is to remove all formatting and partitioning information from your hard disk when FDISK is unable to do so. THIS WILL ALSO REMOVE ALL DATA AND PROGRAMS FROM THE DRIVE. REPEAT: The next steps will remove all data from hard-disk drive. We URGE YOU to make a back-up of any data and programs that you wish to save before proceeding. REMEMBER: ALL DATA WILL BE LOST! Be sure you have the necessary bootable media and files to reboot your system and install your operating system (boot disk with CDROM drivers, MSCDEX, FDISK, FORMAT, SYS, etc). 

Turn on the computer. When the message Starting MS-DOS?? appears press [F5]. If you are using Windows?? 95, when the message Starting Windows 95 appears press [F8]. Then select Command Prompt Only. 
At the DOS command prompt, type the following:
where [ENTER] is to press the enter key once. 
CAUTION: Performing the following will remove all data from your hard disk drive.

NOTE: Type the following bolded text only. You will receive an error if you type anything other than the bold text. The non-bolded text represents what will appear on your screen once you press [Enter] after typing each command.

-F 200 L1000 0 [Enter] 
-A CS:100 [Enter]
xxxx:0100 MOV AX,301 [Enter] 
xxxx:0103 MOV BX,200 [Enter] 
xxxx:0106 MOV CX,1 [Enter] 
xxxx:0109 MOV DX,80 [Enter] 

NOTE: ( -- "80" for hd 0, "81" for hd 1 ) 

xxxx:010C INT 13 [Enter] 
xxxx:010E INT 20 [Enter] 
xxxx:0110 [Enter] 
-G [Enter] 
"Program terminated normally" 

Turn off the computer. On the next startup the hard drive will need to be partitoned and formatted. "




这将对当时大多数 WD 和 Seagate 硬盘进行低级格式化。然后使用 FDISK 对其进行分区,并对其进行格式化:

C:>format c: /s /v:CDRIVE
