VMware Ubuntu 启动失败(卡在 initramfs 提示符处)

VMware Ubuntu 启动失败(卡在 initramfs 提示符处)

我一直在使用通过 VMware 安装的 Ubuntu Server 10.04(主机是 Windows XP)。不知出于什么原因(我怀疑是主机断电了),客户操作系统似乎坏了。

每次启动虚拟机时,我都会卡在 initramfs 提示符下,之后似乎是内核恐慌跟踪和以下几行:

mount: mounting /dev on /root/dev failed: No such file or directory
mount: mounting /sys on /root/sys failed: No such file or directory
mount: mounting /proc on /root/proc failed: No such file or directory
Target filesystem doesn't have /sbin/init.
No init found. Try passing init= bootarg.

Busybox 似乎允许输入命令,然后显示 (initramfs) 提示符。

我使用 Ubuntu Live CD 启动并尝试:

  1. 检查条目/dev:我可以看到/dev/sda,,,/dev/sda1/dev/sda2/dev/sda5
  2. 正在挂载/dev/sda1,但挂载命令没有返回(我等了 10 秒,我认为这足够了?)
  3. fsck -c /dev/sda1- 但 fsck 报告说/dev/sda1很忙。
  4. dmesg使用 Live CD 时检查:

    EXT4-fs (sda1): INFO: recovery required in readonly filesystem
    EXT4-fs (sda1): write access will be enabled during recovery
    EXT4-fs warning (device sda1): ext4 clear journal err: Filesystem error recorded from previous mount: IO failure
    EXT4-fs warning (device sda1): ext4_clear_journal_err: Marking fs in need of filesystem check.




$ fsck -y /dev/sda1

来自 LiveCD


实时 CD 会自动挂载 /dev/sda1 分区。您需要做的就是先运行:

umount /dev/sda1


fsck -y /dev/sda1

