当命令未找到时获取推荐的 pacman 安装行

当命令未找到时获取推荐的 pacman 安装行

在 ubuntu 中,如果我为未安装但从数据库中知道的应用程序键入命令,它会给我一条如下消息:

~ $ kate
The program 'kate' is currently not installed.  You can install it by typing:
sudo apt-get install kate

有没有办法在 Arch Linux 中获取类似的消息?


正在寻找完全相同的东西,在这里找到了出色的解决方案: https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?pid=874678#p874678

安装 pkgtools 时,会弹出更多信息:

(2/2) installing pkgtools
- Make sure to run pkgfile --update before use
- pkgfile includes a "command not found" hook for both zsh and bash.

  This will automatically run pkgfile whenever you run
  a command which the shell cannot find. If you want
  this functionality, set CMD_SEARCH_ENABLED to 1 in
  /etc/pkgtools/pkgfile.conf (or per-user by copying
  that file to ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/pkgtools/pkgfile.conf), then
  in your current shell run:
  source /etc/profile

- An entry has been placed in /etc/cron.daily to run pkgfile --update
  If you do not want this functionality, set UPDATE_CRON=0 in /etc/pkgtools/pkgfile.conf


所以这似乎是 python 的一部分,在 ubuntu 中它位于:

def advise(self, command, ignore_installed=False):
    " give advice where to find the given command to stderr "


