Update Time User Department Last update
1/19/12 7:26 John A
1/19/12 6:26 Yen A
1/18/12 9:47 Jefta B
1/18/12 9:47 Jefta B
1/18/12 9:47 John A
如果我明白您的问题,并且这是在 Excel 中,那么您可以使用“数组公式”。
例如,如果您的数据集位于 A1:C5 范围内的工作表中,则可以在“D”列中使用它:
{=INDIRECT("B" & MATCH(MAX(IF(C$1:C$5=C1,(A$1:A$5),)),A$1:A$5,0))}
请注意,这需要是一个数组函数,这意味着在输入公式后离开单元格时必须按住Ctrl+ Shift+,Enter而不是像平常一样直接输入。如果操作正确,公式将被括在花括号中,如上所示。如果没有花括号括住公式,则它未设置为数组公式,并且无法正常工作。
回来后发现还没有人发布 VBA 解决方案。我想我应该发布一个。
'indexes of the values stored as an array in the collection object Private Const USERNAME As Integer = 0 Private Const DATETIME As Integer = 1
'references to where the data is or should be in the workbook Public Enum DataColumns DateTimeStamp = 1 UName = 2 Department = 3 LastUpdater = 4 'The information we will be adding! End Enum
Sub Main() Dim lastUserByDept As Collection Set lastUserByDept = GetLastUpdater(2) AppendLastUserName 2, lastUserByDept End Sub
'//Builds a collection of department entries, and stores '//the last date along with the user tied to that date Private Function GetLastUpdater(dataStartRow As Long) As Collection Dim currRow As Integer: currRow = dataStartRow
Dim maxDatesByDept As Collection Set maxDatesByDept = New Collection Dim deptInfo As Variant Do While Not IsEmpty(Cells(currRow, DataColumns.DateTimeStamp)) Dim dept As String: dept = Cells(currRow, DataColumns.Department).Value If DeptExists(maxDatesByDept, dept) Then If Cells(currRow, DataColumns.DateTimeStamp).Value > maxDatesByDept.Item(dept)(DATETIME) Then deptInfo = Array(Cells(currRow, DataColumns.UName).Value, Cells(currRow, DataColumns.DateTimeStamp).Value) UpdateExistingEntry maxDatesByDept, deptInfo, Cells(currRow, DataColumns.Department) End If Else deptInfo = Array(Cells(currRow, DataColumns.UName).Value, Cells(currRow, DataColumns.DateTimeStamp).Value) maxDatesByDept.Add deptInfo, Cells(currRow, DataColumns.Department).Value End If currRow = currRow + 1 Loop Set GetLastUpdater = maxDatesByDept Set maxDatesByDept = Nothing
End Function
'//Since we are using the VBA collection object, there is no true '//test for if an element exists; the collection will just throw '//an error if you ask it for something it cannot find, so just '//trap the error and return false in that case, as it means no '//item was found in the list with that dept as it's key Private Function DeptExists(ByRef deptList As Collection, dept As String) As Boolean On Error GoTo handler deptList.Item dept DeptExists = True Exit Function handler: Err.Clear DeptExists = False End Function
'//Updates an existing entry in our collection of dept users. '//Note: this implementation allows for the trapping of failed attempts '//but is not used in this version to keep it as straight-forward as '//possible - If it was important to know when such attempts failed, you '//could trap on the return value of this method and take the appropriate '//action. Private Function UpdateExistingEntry(ByRef deptList As Collection, ByVal deptInfo As Variant, ByVal dept As String) As Boolean On Error GoTo handler
If DeptExists(deptList, dept) Then deptList.Remove dept deptList.Add deptInfo, dept UpdateExistingEntry = True Else UpdateExistingEntry = False End If Exit Function
handler: Err.Clear UpdateExistingEntry = False End Function
'//Uses the created collection of dept, username to add the '//required username to the column Private Sub AppendLastUserName(dataStartRow As Long, deptListing As Collection) Dim currRow As Integer: currRow = dataStartRow Do While Not IsEmpty(Cells(currRow, DataColumns.DateTimeStamp)) Dim currDept As String: currDept = Cells(currRow, DataColumns.Department) Cells(currRow, DataColumns.LastUpdater).Value = deptListing(currDept)(USERNAME) currRow = currRow + 1 Loop End Sub
将整套代码复制并粘贴到 Excel 中的单个模块中,它就可以正常工作。