如何在 Emacs 中查看以分隔符分隔的值的文件,并以突出显示的方式帮助阅读?

如何在 Emacs 中查看以分隔符分隔的值的文件,并以突出显示的方式帮助阅读?

如何在 Emacs 中查看以分隔符分隔的值的文件,并以突出显示的方式帮助阅读?


如果 Emacs 不能完成,Linux 上还有其他工具可以完成这项任务吗?



(defun org-table-convert-region (beg0 end0 &optional separator)
  "Convert region to a table.
The region goes from BEG0 to END0, but these borders will be moved
slightly, to make sure a beginning of line in the first line is included.

SEPARATOR specifies the field separator in the lines.  It can have the
following values:

'(4)     Use the comma as a field separator
'(16)    Use a TAB as field separator
integer  When a number, use that many spaces as field separator
nil      When nil, the command tries to be smart and figure out the
         separator in the following way:
         - when each line contains a TAB, assume TAB-separated material
         - when each line contains a comma, assume CSV material
         - else, assume one or more SPACE characters as separator."
  (interactive "rP")
  (let* ((beg (min beg0 end0))
         (end (max beg0 end0))
    (goto-char beg)
    (beginning-of-line 1)
    (setq beg (move-marker (make-marker) (point)))
    (goto-char end)
    (if (bolp) (backward-char 1) (end-of-line 1))
    (setq end (move-marker (make-marker) (point)))
    ;; Get the right field separator
    (unless separator
      (goto-char beg)
      (setq separator
             ((not (re-search-forward "^[^\n\t]+$" end t)) '(16))
             ((not (re-search-forward "^[^\n,]+$" end t)) '(4))
             (t 1))))
    (goto-char beg)
    (if (equal separator '(4))
        (while (< (point) end)
          ;; parse the csv stuff
           ((looking-at "^") (insert "| "))
           ((looking-at "[ \t]*$") (replace-match " |") (beginning-of-line 2))
           ((looking-at "[ \t]*\"\\([^\"\n]*\\)\"")
            (replace-match "\\1")
            (if (looking-at "\"") (insert "\"")))
           ((looking-at "[^,\n]+") (goto-char (match-end 0)))
           ((looking-at "[ \t]*,") (replace-match " | "))
           (t (beginning-of-line 2))))
      (setq re (cond
                ((stringp separator) separator) ;; <-- I added this line
                ((equal separator '(4)) "^\\|\"?[ \t]*,[ \t]*\"?")
                ((equal separator '(16)) "^\\|\t")
                ((integerp separator)
                 (if (< separator 1)
                     (error "Number of spaces in separator must be >= 1")
                   (format "^ *\\| *\t *\\| \\{%d,\\}" separator)))
                (t (error "This should not happen"))))
      (while (re-search-forward re end t)
        (replace-match "| " t t)))
    (goto-char beg)

不幸的是,它不会转义|,这让我很沮丧,而且根本无法处理引号。假设分隔符没有出现在单元格中,那么编写一个函数将其替换|为其他内容(例如,\vert{}如果您打算导出到 LaTeX,或者 ⏐ 是 unicode 字符VERTICAL LINE EXTENSION),然后运行修改后的版本应该不难。如果您愿意,您甚至可以用org-table-convert-region替换。当然,我已经将其用作您想要的任何分隔符的替代"%%品(它可以作为函数的参数)。%%"%%%%



在 emacs 中,您可以使用highlight-phrase( M-s h p) 或highlight-regexp( M-s h r) 突出显示某些文本。


您可以将分隔符更改为 | (例如sed,但首先将所有 | 替换为其他内容),在每一行开头和结尾添加一个 |,然后在 emacs 中打开文件org-mode



如果你有 Org-mode,那么请打开 CSV 文件,将主模式设置为 Org-mode,标记整个缓冲区,然后单击C-|,将 CSV 文件转换为 Org-mode 表。

你可以对 Org-mode 表格做任何事情,结合 emacs 的 calc,它比电子表格应用程序更强大,请参阅这里以供参考。

对于 Linux,有无数工具可用于处理 CSV 文件,但 awk 一定是其中的一把利器。如果可以,请学习 awk,它会让你的生活更轻松。
