在大多数小键盘上(包括许多笔记本电脑键盘),Fn+→ (right arrow)将起到键的作用End。
例如,下面将把Win+分配H给Home键,并将 Win+E分配给End键。
只需安装 AutoHotkey,将这两行保存到一个文件中,HomeEnd.ahk
然后运行新创建的文件,这样您就可以通过我提到的热键访问 Home 和 End 键。
Autohotkey 还有一个“编译器”,它可以将脚本和解释器捆绑在一起,从而将脚本转换为可执行文件,这样您只需执行一项操作,而无需在每台机器上安装 AutoHotkey。您只需将编译好的脚本放在 USB 密钥上即可。
这AutoHotkey 文档还可能有助于将按键分配给您喜欢的任何按键组合。
我承认,我遇到了同样的问题,因为我使用的是中国产的 Apple mini 键盘仿制品(上面根本没有型号或制造商标识符)。我使用 AutoHotKey 将 Win-x 映射到 End,将 Win-z 映射到 Home。不过,我不得不对 @Mokubai 的答案做更多的工作,才能使 Ctrl-End、Shift-End 和 Ctrl-Shift-End 正常工作:
; Home
; Win-z = Home = start of line
#z::Send {Home}
; Ctrl-Win-z = Ctrl-Home = start of document
^#z::Send {LCtrl down}{Home}{LCtrl up}
; Shift-Win-z = Shift-Home = select to start of line
+#z::Send {LShift down}{Home}{LShift up}
; Ctrl-Shift-Win-z = Ctrl-Shift-Home = select to start of document
^+#z::Send {LCtrl down}{LShift down}{Home}{LShift up}{LCtrl up}
; End
; Win-x = End = end of line
#x::Send {End}
; Ctrl-Win-x = Ctrl-End = end of document
^#x::Send {LCtrl down}{End}{LCtrl up}
; Shift-Win-x = Shift-End = select to end of line
+#x::Send {LShift down}{End}{LShift up}
; Ctrl-Shift-Win-x = Ctrl-Shift-End = select to start of document
^+#x::Send {LCtrl down}{LShift down}{End}{LShift up}{LCtrl up}
AutoHotkey 是解决此问题最简单的方法。我花了一段时间才找到适合我的键盘的正确映射,我认为这是个分享的好地方。(谢谢宜兰用于显示 CTRL 和 SHIFT 组合。
我的 Dell Precision 7510 笔记本电脑没有专用的 Home 和 End 按钮,但有专用的 PrtScr 和 Insert 按钮(像这样)。因为我通常使用外接键盘,并且经常使用 Print Screen 键,所以我需要一种方法来在打印屏幕和家使用笔记本电脑键盘时。基于伊安,我设置Win+打印屏幕到切换覆盖。
; My Dell Precision 7510 laptop does not have dedicated Home and End buttons
; but it does have dedicated PrtScr and Insert buttons.
; This script will override those buttons as Home and End.
; Idea from: http://superuser.com/questions/412761/mini-keyboard-has-no-home-end-keys-how-to-type-them
; Use the Win+Printscreen key to toggle these hotkeys. They are only needed when using the laptop keyboard.
; Note that this script should be loaded after Snagit or other software that overrides the Print Screen key or those programs may fail to map properly.
if(T) ; If it's on
;--- Map the Printscreen and Insert keys ---
Hotkey, Printscreen, Printscreen, On
Hotkey, Insert, Insert, On
SoundBeep 423, 100
SoundBeep 423, 150
ToolTip, Laptop PrtScr/Insert remapped to Home/End...
Sleep, 1500
;=== Home ===
; Note that MsgBox, ToolTip, and SoundBeep lines are not executing after the first key is mapped. Hmm. BS 7/27/2016
; Home = start of line
Printscreen::Send {Home}
; Ctrl-Home = start of document
^Printscreen::Send {LCtrl down}{Home}{LCtrl up}
; Shift-Home = select to start of line
+Printscreen::Send {LShift down}{Home}{LShift up}
; Ctrl-Shift-Home = select to start of document
^+Printscreen::Send {LCtrl down}{LShift down}{Home}{LShift up}{LCtrl up}
;=== End ===
; End = end of line
Insert::Send {End}
; Ctrl-End = end of document
^Insert::Send {LCtrl down}{End}{LCtrl up}
; Shift-End = select to end of line
+Insert::Send {LShift down}{End}{LShift up}
; Ctrl-Shift-End = select to start of document
^+Insert::Send {LCtrl down}{LShift down}{End}{LShift up}{LCtrl up}
;--- Disable the Printscreen and Insert key mapping ---
Hotkey, Printscreen, Off
Hotkey, Insert, Off
SoundBeep 303, 150
ToolTip, Laptop PrtScr/Insert remapping disabled...
Sleep, 1500