

我有超过 5000 个空格分隔的行,如下所示:

Item_A: Acou#1  Bla#5

Item_B: Acou#1  Elfa#2  Flq#2

Item_C: Acou#1  Bla#4   Elfa#2  Flq#2

Item_D: Agly#3  Bla#4   Elfa#2


             Acou  Agly  Bla  Elfa  Flq

Item_A:      1     0     5    0     0

Item_B:      1     0     0    2     2

Item_C:      1     0     4    2     2

Item_D:      0     3     4    2     0

我曾经 grep 包含“Acou”的行,然后是“Bla”等。然后在 Excel 中进行编辑以量化它们并将所有单独的文件连接到一个文件。然而,这花了很多时间。


BEGIN { OFS = "\t" }

# Collect headers from data
FNR == NR {
    for (i = 2; i <= NF; ++i)
        if (!($i in heads))

# Output header
FNR == 1 {
    line = "Items"
    for (j in heads)
        line = line OFS j
    print line

    line = $1
    # Iterate through the header items, testing each field against it
    for (j in heads) {
        found = 0 # assume not found
        for (i = 2; !found && i <= NF; ++i)
            if ($i == j)
                found = 1 # matches header
        line = line OFS found
    print line


$ awk -f script.awk file file
Items   Acou#1  Bla#4   Bla#5   Elfa#2  Agly#3  Flq#2
Item_A: 1       0       1       0       0       0
Item_B: 1       0       0       1       0       1
Item_C: 1       1       0       1       0       1
Item_D: 0       1       0       1       1       0

请注意,您必须指定输入数据文件两次。这是因为我们扫描了两次。在第一次扫描中,我们收集每行(FNR == NR块)上的数据项。在第二次扫描中,我们根据每行数据测试每个收集的数据项(标题)。


截断 处的标题#并使用 后的部分#作为要显示的数据的变体:

BEGIN { OFS = "\t" }

# Collect headers from data
FNR == NR {
    for (i = 2; i <= NF; ++i) {
        split($i, h, "#")
        if (!(h[1] in heads))

# Output header
FNR == 1 {
    line = "Items"
    for (j in heads)
        line = line OFS j
    print line

    line = $1
    # Iterate through the header items, testing each field against it
    for (j in heads) {
        found = 0 # assume not found
        for (i = 2; !found && i <= NF; ++i) {
            split($i, h, "#")
            if (h[1] == j)
                found = h[2] # matches header
        line = line OFS found
    print line


$ awk -f script.awk file file
Items   Elfa    Bla     Acou    Agly    Flq
Item_A: 0       5       1       0       0
Item_B: 2       0       1       0       2
Item_C: 2       4       1       0       2
Item_D: 2       4       0       3       0



如果你不介意扔GNU 数据混合到混合中,然后您可以简单地序列化条目,然后对它们进行交叉制表:

awk '
  {for (i=2;i<=NF;i++) {split($i,a,"#"); print $1,a[1],a[2]}}' OFS='\t' file | 
  datamash --filler=0 crosstab 1,2 count 3
    Acou    Agly    Bla Elfa    Flq
Item_A: 1   0   1   0   0
Item_B: 1   0   0   1   1
Item_C: 1   0   1   1   1
Item_D: 0   1   1   1   0

或者,使用 GNU awk(允许多维数组):

gawk '
    PROCINFO["sorted_in"] = "@ind_str_asc";
    for (i=2;i<=NF;i++) {
      h[a[1]] = 1;
      t[$1][a[1]] += a[2];
  END {
    for (j in h) printf("\t%s", j);
    printf "\n";
    for (i in t) {
      for (j in h) 
        printf("\t%d", j in t[i] ? t[i][j] : 0);
      printf "\n";
  }' file
    Acou    Agly    Bla Elfa    Flq
Item_A: 1   0   5   0   0
Item_B: 1   0   0   2   2
Item_C: 1   0   4   2   2
Item_D: 0   3   4   2   0
