Linux Mint 在屏幕锁定时重新启动,我该如何调试/修复它?

Linux Mint 在屏幕锁定时重新启动,我该如何调试/修复它?


我正在运行 Mint 14 (MATE),设置相对标准。我不确定我应该提供什么其他信息,但我很乐意添加任何有助于回答问题的详细信息。我使用 xscreensaver,只要我只锁定屏幕几分钟,它就可以正常工作。但是,如果我离开电脑并且屏幕锁定 10 分钟以上,几乎可以保证电脑会重新启动,丢失我打开的所有内容。这非常令人沮丧,我真的需要以某种方式修复它,但似乎很少有办法可以追踪这个问题。我尝试过运行带有详细日志记录的 xscreensaver,但那里没有什么明显的问题(这是崩溃前大约 10 分钟的内容):

xscreensaver: 14:27:07: 1: spawning "flipscreen3d -root" in pid 11972.
glslideshow: unable to load font "-*-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-180-*", using "fixed"
xscreensaver: 14:30:07: 0: killing pid 11971 (glslideshow)
xscreensaver: 14:30:07: 1: killing pid 11972 (flipscreen3d)
xscreensaver: 14:30:07: 0: visual 0x21 (TrueColor,   depth: 24, cmap: 256)
xscreensaver: 14:30:07: 0: saver window is 0x1a00243.
xscreensaver: 14:30:07: 1: child pid 11972 (flipscreen3d) terminated with signal 15.
xscreensaver: 14:30:07: 0: destroyed old saver window 0x1a0023d.
xscreensaver: 14:30:07: 0: spawning "photopile -root -scale 0.6046 -count 9 -duration 3" in pid 15435.
xscreensaver: 14:30:07: 0: child pid 11971 (glslideshow) terminated with signal 15.
xscreensaver: 14:30:07: 1: visual 0x21 (TrueColor,   depth: 24, cmap: 256)
xscreensaver: 14:30:07: 1: saver window is 0x1a00245.
xscreensaver: 14:30:07: 1: destroyed old saver window 0x1a0023f.
xscreensaver: 14:30:07: 1: spawning "flipscreen3d -root" in pid 15436.
photopile: font -*-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-240-* does not exist, using -*-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-180-*
photopile: font -*-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-180-* does not exist, using fixed
photopile: unable to load font "-*-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-240-*", using "-*-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-240-*"
photopile: unable to load font "-*-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-240-*", using "-*-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-180-*"
photopile: unable to load font "-*-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-180-*", using "fixed"
xscreensaver: 14:33:07: 0: killing pid 15435 (photopile)
xscreensaver: 14:33:07: 1: killing pid 15436 (flipscreen3d)
xscreensaver: 14:33:07: 0: visual 0x21 (TrueColor,   depth: 24, cmap: 256)
xscreensaver: 14:33:07: 0: child pid 15435 (photopile) terminated with signal 15.
xscreensaver: 14:33:07: 0: saver window is 0x1a00249.
xscreensaver: 14:33:07: 0: destroyed old saver window 0x1a00243.
xscreensaver: 14:33:07: 0: spawning "photopile -root -scale 0.6046 -count 9 -duration 3" in pid 18945.
xscreensaver: 14:33:07: 1: visual 0x21 (TrueColor,   depth: 24, cmap: 256)
xscreensaver: 14:33:07: 1: saver window is 0x1a0024b.
xscreensaver: 14:33:07: 1: child pid 15436 (flipscreen3d) terminated with signal 15.
xscreensaver: 14:33:07: 1: destroyed old saver window 0x1a00245.
xscreensaver: 14:33:07: 1: spawning "photopile -root -scale 0.6046 -count 9 -duration 3" in pid 18946.
photopile: font -*-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-240-* does not exist, using -*-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-180-*
photopile: font -*-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-180-* does not exist, using fixed
photopile: font -*-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-240-* does not exist, using -*-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-180-*
photopile: font -*-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-180-* does not exist, using fixed
photopile: unable to load font "-*-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-240-*", using "-*-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-240-*"
photopile: unable to load font "-*-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-240-*", using "-*-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-240-*"
photopile: unable to load font "-*-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-240-*", using "-*-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-180-*"
photopile: unable to load font "-*-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-240-*", using "-*-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-180-*"
photopile: unable to load font "-*-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-180-*", using "fixed"
photopile: unable to load font "-*-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-180-*", using "fixed"
xscreensaver: 14:36:07: 0: killing pid 18945 (photopile)
xscreensaver: 14:36:07: 1: killing pid 18946 (photopile)
xscreensaver: 14:36:07: 0: visual 0x21 (TrueColor,   depth: 24, cmap: 256)
xscreensaver: 14:36:07: 0: saver window is 0x1a0024f.
xscreensaver: 14:36:07: 0: destroyed old saver window 0x1a00249.
xscreensaver: 14:36:07: 0: spawning "glslideshow -root" in pid 22514.
xscreensaver: 14:36:07: 1: visual 0x21 (TrueColor,   depth: 24, cmap: 256)
xscreensaver: 14:36:07: 1: saver window is 0x1a00251.
xscreensaver: 14:36:07: 0: child pid 18945 (photopile) terminated with signal 15.
xscreensaver: 14:36:07: 1: child pid 18946 (photopile) terminated with signal 15.
xscreensaver: 14:36:07: 1: destroyed old saver window 0x1a0024b.
xscreensaver: 14:36:07: 1: spawning "intermomentary -root -num-discs 252" in pid 22515.
glslideshow: unable to load font "-*-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-180-*", using "fixed"



这 10 分钟有什么特别之处?也许 DPMS 开始起作用了?您的设置中是否有 10 分钟后过期的超时时间?

建议:您可以尝试暂时用调试程序替换 xscreensaver。我只想粗略地估计一下我会做什么(未经测试):

  • 通过输入“哪个 xscreensaver”来确定 xscreensaver 的位置
  • 备份它并用下面的脚本替换它。这只会进入睡眠状态而不会调用 xscreensaver
  • 通过 chmod 755 使您的调试脚本可执行...
  • 重新启动会话并等待 10 分钟
  • 定期观察机器(它已经挂起了吗?)和脚本写入的日志文件(它使用什么参数调用?)



exec >> $0.log 2>&1
echo $0 $@
# just wait - don't call screensaver (what does happen?)
sleep 1200
# eventually reenable this after some experimenting:
#<name of backed up xscreensaver> $@


您是否尝试过禁用power saving屏幕保护程序配置中的选项?也许屏幕保护程序正在尝试让您的计算机进入睡眠状态,但配置错误导致计算机重新启动。


您可以尝试使用以下命令在 pm-utils 中阻止笔记本电脑模式:

echo HOOK_BLACKLIST=\"laptop-mode\" > /etc/pm/config.d/block_laptop

您可以在这里阅读更多pm-utils。此链接适用于 Arch Linux,但也适用于 Mint。
