如何在 Windows 命令行上进行字符串翻译

如何在 Windows 命令行上进行字符串翻译

如果我有类似的东西 set value = c:\\some\\path

我想将其转换为 c:\some\path




@echo off
set value=c:\\some\\path
echo %value%
set new_value=%value:\\=\%
echo %new_value%





Align Right          Align text to the right i.e. to improve readability of number columns.
Left String          Extract characters from the beginning of a string.
Map and Lookup       Use Key-Value pair list to lookup and translate values.
Mid String           Extract a Substring by Position.
Remove               Remove a substring using string substitution.
Remove both Ends     Remove the first and the last character of a string.
Remove Spaces        Remove all spaces in a string via substitution.
Replace              Replace a substring using string substitution.
Right String         Extract characters from the end of a string.
Split String         Split a String, Extract Substrings by Delimiters.
String Concatenation Add one string to another string.
Trim Left            Trim spaces from the beginning of a string via "FOR" command.
Trim Quotes          Remove surrounding quotes via FOR command.
Trim Right           Trim spaces from the end of a string via substitution.
Trim Right           Trim spaces from the end of a string via "FOR" command.
