Windows 碎片整理“可移动文件和文件夹”= 空驱动器上的 23?

Windows 碎片整理“可移动文件和文件夹”= 空驱动器上的 23?

我很好奇为什么当我在驱动器上运行 Windows 7 碎片整理工具时,空白(如格式化的)驱动器会显示它有可移动文件和文件夹,甚至是不可移动的。

C:\windows\system32>defrag E: /H /A /V
Microsoft Disk Defragmenter
Copyright (c) 2007 Microsoft Corp.

Invoking analysis on 8GB_DISK (E:)...

The operation completed successfully.

Post Defragmentation Report:

        Volume Information:
                Volume size                 = 7.46 GB
                Cluster size                = 4 KB
                Used space                  = 62.96 MB
                Free space                  = 7.40 GB

                Total fragmented space      = 0%
                Average fragments per file  = 1.10

                Movable files and folders   = 23
                Unmovable files and folders = 12

                Fragmented files            = 0
                Total file fragments        = 0

                Total folders               = 11
                Fragmented folders          = 0
                Total folder fragments      = 0

        Free space:
                Free space count            = 4
                Average free space size     = 1.80 GB
                Largest free space size     = 4.27 GB

        Master File Table (MFT):
                MFT size                    = 1.00 MB
                MFT record count            = 1023
                MFT usage                   = 100%
                Total MFT fragments         = 2

        Note: File fragments larger than 64MB are not included in the fragmentation statistics.

        You do not need to defragment this volume.


其中大多数是特殊文件,保存有关分区本身的信息。例如,$Bitmap 是旧 FAT 分区中 FAT 的后继者。它记录分区上的空间使用情况。除了 $Bitmap 之外还有更多文件,例如 $Journal,但我仍然认为 35 个文件不仅仅是这些内部文件。系统还原可能是罪魁祸首,它将一些文件放在 \SystemVolumeInformation 中。编辑:$Mft 也算在内。
