Will installing Windows 8.1 RTM install a beta version of IE 11?

Will installing Windows 8.1 RTM install a beta version of IE 11?

I am considering upgrading to the recently released Windows 8.1 RTM (the final version - which has been available for some time to OEM partners and MSDN subscribers). But there's one thing I am unsure of.

According to Wikipedia, Windows 8.1 bundles Internet Explorer 11, however the latest version of IE11 is still a "Release Preview". It seems very strange to me that Microsoft would bundle non-final software into an RTM release.

I would like to upgrade to Windows 8.1 but I don't want to install beta software along with it. Will I get to choose whether or not to upgrade IE when/if I install 8.1?


No. This is the RTM version. Wikipedia simply hasn’t been updated yet. Remember that the Windows 8.1 and Windows 7 version are different (the latter still isn’t finished)


When looking at IE in Server 2012 R2 RTM nothing indicates it is a beta. It says 'RTM' but also version '11.0.9600.16384' which is the same that Wikipedia claims is the '17 September 2013' preview.

I assume IE will be updated over time with the normal Windows updates.

'RTM' doesn't mean the same as it used to be anymore.

I haven't done any upgrades from 8 yet, but I don't think you can choose not to upgrade to IE11.
