如何在不使用 fillbetween 命令的情况下填充两条曲线之间的区域

如何在不使用 fillbetween 命令的情况下填充两条曲线之间的区域

有没有办法填充我使用 tikz 制作的两条曲线之间的区域,而无需使用 addplot-fillbetween 包?

\setmathfont[Scale=MatchUppercase]{STIX Two Math}
    \draw[very thick,dashed, opacity=0.7] (1,0)--(1,0.36784);
    \draw[very thick,dashed, opacity=0.7] (2,0)--(2,0.25);
    \draw[very thick, ->] (-0.5,0) -- (2.3,0)node[pos=1,below]{$x$};
    \draw[very thick, ->] (0,-0.5) -- (0,0.85)node[pos=1,left]{$y$};
     \foreach \x in {1,...,2}\draw[shift={(\x,0)},color=black]
(0pt,0.8pt) -- (0pt,-0.8pt);
\foreach \i in {1,2}
\draw[shift={(\i,0)},color=black](0pt,0pt) -- (0pt,-0.8pt)node[below]{$\i$};
\node[below right](o) at (0,0){$0$};
    \draw[ultra thick, samples=100, draw=red, domain=-0.35:2] plot (\x,{\x*e^(-\x)});
     \draw[ultra thick, samples=100, draw=ballblue!60!black, domain=-0:1] plot (\x,{sqrt(\x)*e^(-sqrt(\x))});
\node[circle, draw=black, inner sep=1.7pt, fill=white](a) at (2,0.27){};
\node[circle, draw=black, inner sep=1.4pt,fill=black!50!white](a) at (1,0.36787){};
\node[circle, draw=black, inner sep=1.4pt,fill=black!50!white](a) at (0,0){};
 \node[red]() at (1.7,0.4){\begin{LARGE}
 \node[ballblue!60!black,below]() at (0.12,0.45){\begin{LARGE}







    \draw[very thick,dashed, opacity=0.7] (1,0)--(1,0.36784);
    \draw[very thick,dashed, opacity=0.7] (2,0)--(2,0.25);
    \draw[very thick, ->] (-0.5,0) -- (2.3,0)node[pos=1,below]{$x$};
    \draw[very thick, ->] (0,-0.5) -- (0,0.85)node[pos=1,left]{$y$};
    \foreach \x in {1,...,2}\draw[shift={(\x,0)},color=black]
    (0pt,0.8pt) -- (0pt,-0.8pt);
    \foreach \i in {1,2}
    \draw[shift={(\i,0)},color=black](0pt,0pt) -- (0pt,-0.8pt)node[below]{$\i$};
    \node[below right](o) at (0,0){$0$};
    \draw[ultra thick, samples=100, draw=red, domain=-0.35:2] plot (\x,{\x*e^(-\x)});
    \draw[ultra thick, samples=100, draw=blue!60!black, domain=-0:1] plot (\x,{sqrt(\x)*e^(-sqrt(\x))});
    \node[circle, draw=black, inner sep=1.7pt, fill=white](a) at (2,0.27){};
    \node[circle, draw=black, inner sep=1.4pt,fill=black!50!white](a) at (1,0.36787){};
    \node[circle, draw=black, inner sep=1.4pt,fill=black!50!white](a) at (0,0){};
    \node[red] at (1.7,0.4) () {$C_{f}$};
    \node[blue!60!black,below] at (0.12,0.45) () {$C_{g}$};
    \foreach \x in {0.000,0.001,...,1.000}                          % <--- added
    \draw[cyan] (\x,{\x*e^(-\x)})--(\x,{sqrt(\x)*e^(-sqrt(\x))});   % <--- added





\foreach \x in {0.000,0.001,...,1.000}                          % <--- added
\draw[cyan] (\x,{\x*e^(-\x)})--(\x,{sqrt(\x)*e^(-sqrt(\x))});   % <--- added
\draw[ultra thick, samples=100, draw=red, domain=-0.35:2] plot (\x,{\x*e^(-\x)});
\draw[ultra thick, samples=100, draw=blue!60!black, domain=-0:1] plot (\x,{sqrt(\x)*e^(-sqrt(\x))});
\node[circle, draw=black, inner sep=1.7pt, fill=white](a) at (2,0.27){};
\node[circle, draw=black, inner sep=1.4pt,fill=black!50!white](a) at (1,0.36787){};
\node[circle, draw=black, inner sep=1.4pt,fill=black!50!white](a) at (0,0){};
\node[red] at (1.7,0.4) () {$C_{f}$};
\node[blue!60!black,below] at (0.12,0.45) () {$C_{g}$};




大部分内容与主题无关,但还是有帮助的 :-)

  • 我会花一点精力来定义图像元素样式,这样就可以为图表编写更短的代码:
  • 为了填充,使用@John Kormylo 评论,其中我将蓝色曲线的域定义为samples at={0,0.01,...,0.2,0.3,...,1}
  • fill如果先绘制图表,那么图表看起来会比曲线更美观(在我看来) 。
  • MWE(最小工作示例)是:


arr/.style = {-Straight Barb},
wdt/.style = {circle, draw, solid, fill=white, inner sep=2pt},
tck/.style = {rounded corners, inner sep=2pt, fill=white, anchor=north}
% axis
\draw[arr] (-0.5,0) -- (2.3,0) node[below left]    {$x$};
\draw[arr] (0,-0.5) -- (0,0.8) node[below left]    {$y$};
% fill between curves
\fill[cyan] plot[samples at={0,0.01,...,0.2,0.3,...,1}] (\x,{sqrt(\x)*e^(-sqrt(\x))}) --
            plot[samples=100, domain=1:0] (\x,{\x*e^(-\x)});
% curves
\draw[ultra thick, samples=100, red] plot[domain=-0.35:2] (\x,{\x*e^(-\x)});
\draw[ultra thick, samples=100, blue!60!black]  plot[domain=-0:1] (\x,{sqrt(\x)*e^(-sqrt(\x))});
% circles + dashed line
    \foreach \x in {0,1,2}
\draw[dashed]  (\x,{\x*e^(-\x)})  node (\x) [wdt] {} -- (\x |- 0,-1pt) node[tck] {\x};




附有 John Kormylo 的评论和帖子使用TikZ填充曲线和圆之间的区域 我试过:

\fill[cyan,draw=black] plot[smooth, domain=0:1] (\x,{\x*e^(-\x)}) plot [smooth, domain=1:0](\x,{sqrt(\x)*e^(-sqrt(\x))});


为了消除寄生线,我尝试samples=2000 在此处输入图片描述

    %  initial answer
    % \fill[cyan,draw=black] plot[smooth, samples=2000,domain=0:1] (\x,{\x*e^(-\x)}) plot [smooth, samples=2000, domain=1:0](\x,{sqrt(\x)*e^(-sqrt(\x))});
    %   EDIT2
    \fill[cyan,draw=black] plot[domain=0:1] (\x,{\x*e^(-\x)}) -- plot [ domain=1:0](\x,{sqrt(\x)*e^(-sqrt(\x))})--cycle;

EDIT2:通过更加关注 Jasper Habicht 的评论,问题不在于数量,samples而在于曲线之间的联系----cycle

编辑3:有了Jasper Habicht的第二条评论,我终于明白了一切(呃,我想)。


\section{Without \texttt{--} between the two curves}
\subsection{Without $samples=2^n+1$}
  \item $samples=25$ (by default)
    \fill[cyan,draw=black] plot[domain=0:1] (\x,{\x*e^(-\x)})  plot [ domain=1:0](\x,{sqrt(\x)*e^(-sqrt(\x))});
  \item $samples=258$
    \fill[cyan,draw=black] plot[samples=258,domain=0:1] (\x,{\x*e^(-\x)})  plot [ samples=258,domain=1:0](\x,{sqrt(\x)*e^(-sqrt(\x))});
  \item $samples=2000$
      \fill[cyan,draw=black] plot[samples=2000,domain=0:1] (\x,{\x*e^(-\x)})  plot [ samples=2000,domain=1:0](\x,{sqrt(\x)*e^(-sqrt(\x))});
    It seems to work, but the reasoning is not good.
\subsection{With $samples=2^n+1$}
  \item $samples=33$
      \fill[cyan,draw=black] plot[samples=33,domain=0:1] (\x,{\x*e^(-\x)})  plot [ samples=33,domain=1:0](\x,{sqrt(\x)*e^(-sqrt(\x))});
  \item $samples=129$
    \fill[cyan,draw=black] plot[samples=129,domain=0:1] (\x,{\x*e^(-\x)})  plot [ samples=129,domain=1:0](\x,{sqrt(\x)*e^(-sqrt(\x))});
  \item $samples=257$
      \fill[cyan,draw=black] plot[samples=257,domain=0:1] (\x,{\x*e^(-\x)})  plot [ samples=257,domain=1:0](\x,{sqrt(\x)*e^(-sqrt(\x))});
\section{With \texttt{--} and \texttt{-cycle}, it always works}
  \item $samples=25$ (by default)
    \fill[cyan,draw=black] plot[domain=0:1] (\x,{\x*e^(-\x)}) -- plot [ domain=1:0](\x,{sqrt(\x)*e^(-sqrt(\x))})--cycle;
  \item $samples=258$ (by default)
    \fill[cyan,draw=black] plot[samples=258,domain=0:1] (\x,{\x*e^(-\x)}) -- plot [ samples=258,domain=1:0](\x,{sqrt(\x)*e^(-sqrt(\x))})--cycle;
\section{What I remember}
  \item Read comments carefully (A big thank you to Jasper Habicht)
  \item Do not forget \texttt{--} and \texttt{-cycle}
  \item Why not take $samples=2^n+1$




这已包含在内,luamplib因此您需要使用 进行编译lualatex。我在评论中添加了一些注释。

    numeric u; u = 144;  % define a unit for scaling
    path xx, yy; % define the axes
    xx = (left -- 5 right) scaled 1/2 u; 
    yy = (down -- up) scaled 1/2 u;
    % define the two curves
    path ff, gg;
    % in MP mexp(256x) is the same as exp(x) in the rest of the world
    vardef f(expr x) = x * mexp(-256 x) enddef;
    vardef g(expr x) = sqrt(x) * mexp(-256 sqrt(x)) enddef;
    numeric s; s = 1/8;
    ff = (for x = -3/8 step s until 2-s: (x, f(x)) .. endfor (2, f(2))) scaled u;
    gg = (for x =    0 step s until 1-s: (x, g(x)) .. endfor (1, g(1))) scaled u;

    % since we have set s=1/8, path ff will have 19 points, hence
    % subpath (3, 11) gives us the segment between 0 and 1
    % which can be spliced to gg running backwards and closed with cycle
    fill subpath (3, 11) of ff & reverse gg & cycle withcolor 7/8[blue, white];

    % draw and label the curves in colour
    drawoptions(withcolor 2/3 blue);
    draw gg; label.ulft("$C_g$", point 2 of gg);
    drawoptions(withcolor 3/4 red);
    draw ff; label.urt("$C_f$", point 17 of ff);

    % draw the axes, with slim arrows, and labels
    interim ahangle := 30;
    drawarrow xx; label.rt("$x$", point 1 of xx);
    drawarrow yy; label.top("$y$", point 1 of yy);

    % add fancy labels at 0, 1, and 2.
    forsuffixes $ = 0, 1, 2: 
        z$ = ($, f($)) scaled u;
        if $ > 0:
            draw (x$,0) -- z$ dashed evenly scaled 1/2; 
            label.bot("$" & str $ & "$", (x$, 0));
            label.lrt("$" & str $ & "$", origin);
        draw z$ withpen pencircle scaled dotlabeldiam;
        draw z$ withpen pencircle scaled 3/4 dotlabeldiam withcolor white;
