无法在 gnuplot 中绘制 png

无法在 gnuplot 中绘制 png

我需要在 gnuplot 4.6.3 和/或 4.6.4 中绘制 png 文件。我无法这样做,因为 set term 没有列出“png”作为选项。


Linux masterx-Studio-1535 3.5.0-27-generic #46-Ubuntu SMP 2013 年 3 月 25 日星期一 20:00:05 UTC i686 i686 i686 GNU/Linux


     canvas  HTML Canvas object
          cgm  Computer Graphics Metafile
      context  ConTeXt with MetaFun (for PDF documents)
        corel  EPS format for CorelDRAW
         dumb  ascii art for anything that prints text
          dxf  dxf-file for AutoCad (default size 120x80)
        eepic  EEPIC -- extended LaTeX picture environment
          emf  Enhanced Metafile format
        emtex  LaTeX picture environment with emTeX specials
     epslatex  LaTeX picture environment using graphicx package
          fig  FIG graphics language for XFIG graphics editor
         gpic  GPIC -- Produce graphs in groff using the gpic preprocessor
      hp2623A  HP2623A and maybe others
       hp2648  HP2648 and HP2647
         hpgl  HP7475 and relatives [number of pens] [eject]
       imagen  Imagen laser printer
        latex  LaTeX picture environment
           mf  Metafont plotting standard
          mif  Frame maker MIF 3.00 format
           mp  MetaPost plotting standard
         pcl5  HP Designjet 750C, HP Laserjet III/IV, etc. (many options)
postscript  PostScript graphics, including EPSF embedded files (*.eps)
      pslatex  LaTeX picture environment with PostScript \specials
        pstex  plain TeX with PostScript \specials
     pstricks  LaTeX picture environment with PSTricks macros
          qms  QMS/QUIC Laser printer (also Talaris 1200 and others)
        regis  REGIS graphics language
          svg  W3C Scalable Vector Graphics driver
      tek40xx  Tektronix 4010 and others; most TEK emulators
      tek410x  Tektronix 4106, 4107, 4109 and 420X terminals
      texdraw  LaTeX texdraw environment
         tgif  TGIF X11 [mode] [x,y] [dashed] ["font" [fontsize]]
     tkcanvas  Tk/Tcl canvas widget [perltk] [interactive]
         tpic  TPIC -- LaTeX picture environment with tpic \specials
      unknown  Unknown terminal type - not a plotting device
        vttek  VT-like tek40xx terminal emulator
          x11  X11 Window System
         xlib  X11 Window System (gnulib_x11 dump)
        xterm  Xterm Tektronix 4014 Mode



每当我想快速绘制图表时,我都会使用graphDebian 软件包“plotutils”中的实用程序。当我需要一种快速制作比现有更高质量的图形的方法时graph,以及在处理易于编写脚本的数据流时,我会使用 Python 的 matplotlib。这可能是因为发现它gnuplot有点难用……我真的不记得了。

然而,我认为这里明智的答案是,如果你想/需要坚持gnuplot,请注意你的输出是 svgW3C 可缩放矢量图形驱动程序。 请检查有很多在线资源可用用于 svg 到 png 的转换。希望您能够gnuplot将其转换为 svg,然后将其转换为 png。

但无论如何,如果你关心情节,你可以测试更多的情节工具!graph自己做一些测试,并查看在线资源matplotlibtrend实时图形生成器如果你从事网页开发,Chart.js绘图浮标以及一大堆用于绘制图表的其他 JavaScript 库。
