我正在使用 BitTorrent Sync 在两台计算机之间同步当前 260 GB 的数据:一台 Windows 7 台式电脑和一台 Windows 8.1 笔记本电脑。所有这些数据都位于一个目录层次结构中,根文件夹名为“stuff”。
现在我想使用一个工具来比较台式电脑的“stuff”目录和笔记本电脑的“stuff”目录,以便找出丢失和更改的文件和文件夹。两台计算机无法通过网络访问彼此的文件系统,但可以通过 USB 闪存驱动器将一台计算机的文件夹结果传输到另一台计算机。
@harrymc 关于使用 md5deep/hashdeep 的提示对我来说很有效。以下提供了一种使用 hashdeep64 比较两台计算机之间的目录层次结构的方法:
# computer A == computer on which a hashlist.txt for all files in someFileHierarchysTopDirectoryOnComputerA is generated
# computer B == computer on which computer A's generated hashlist.txt is used to compare files. Computer B generates a hashcompareresult.txt
# On computer A, create a hashlist.txt for some file hierarchy located in directory someFileHierarchysTopDirectoryOnComputerA. hashlist.txt will be placed in someFileHierarchysTopDirectoryOnComputerA's parent directory.
cd someFileHierarchysTopDirectoryOnComputerA
hashdeep64 -c md5 -r -l -e -vvv * | tee ../hashlist.txt
# this probably will take some time to finish.
# Now copy the generated hashlist.txt onto computer B's "someFileHierarchysTopDirectoryOnComputerB/.." directory. Then on computer B,
cd someFileHierarchysTopDirectoryOnComputerB
hashdeep64 -c md5 -r -l -k ../hashlist.txt -a -e -vvv * | tee ../hashcompareresult.txt
# hashdeep's -w, -W, -x, and -X modes don't seem to report errors on missing and additional files. Therefore using -a mode.
# Above command will have generated a file hashcompareresult.txt in someFileHierarchysTopDirectoryOnComputerB's parent directory.
# Now filter the created hashcompareresult.txt for mismatches:
cat ../hashcompareresult.txt | grep -E ": No match|: Known file not used"
# The resulting output shows files that
# * exist only on computer A, or
# * exist only on computer B, or
# * exist on both computers at the same location but have different MD5 hashes.
# Depending on the use case, above command probably will report some false positive files and directories, e.g. desktop.ini, Thumbs.db, .DS_Store, __MACOSX, .sync, and .SyncArchive .
# It may be adequate to filter out these file system entries, e.g. with
# cat ../hashcompareresult.txt | grep -E ": No match|: Known file not used" | grep -v -E "desktop.ini|Thumbs.db|.DS_Store|__MACOSX|.sync|.SyncArchive"