是否可以通过 Photoshop 访问剪贴板 Linux Mint?

是否可以通过 Photoshop 访问剪贴板 Linux Mint?

我安装了 Linux Mint 17 并且通过 Wine 使用 Photoshop CS6,但是剪贴板不起作用,如果我尝试在浏览器中复制图像然后直接在 Photoshop 中粘贴则不起作用,我不想保存图像然后在 Photoshop 中打开,这会花费更多时间。


You can often use the Cut or Copy command to copy selections between Photoshop Elements and other applications. The cut or copied selection remains on the Clipboard until you cut or copy another selection.

In some cases, the contents of the Clipboard can be converted to a raster image. Photoshop Elements prompts you to paste the vector artwork as pixels or as a shape layer.

Note: The image is rasterized at the resolution of the file into which you paste it.


