从文件夹中滚动浏览多个 PDF

从文件夹中滚动浏览多个 PDF

我的一个文件夹中有多个 pdf 文件 - 我想滚动浏览所有文件,以便它们看起来像一个 pdf。


我正在考虑类似“pdf-index”的文件,它保存每个 pdf 文件的路径,并在滚动浏览时调用数据。

导入文件并以嵌套滚动方式显示它们的 web 服务(php)也可能是一种选择。


以下是在 Windows 中运行的 autohotkey 脚本,可完成您的任务。您需要修改该程序以适合您的 pdf 文件夹和 pdf 阅读器。

;This Autohotkey program loops through pdf files in a specified folder, by pressing "f" for forward, "r" for reverse, and "x" for exit. 
; You'll need the freeware autohotkey installed and to save this text file program with an .ahk extension.  You will also
; need to change the pdf viewer exe files below to that of your machines own pdf reader, as well as specify the folder
;containing your pdfs. 

Folder := "C:\"  ; <----------------------SPECIFY FOLDER HERE CONTAINING PDF FILES IN QUOTES

FileList =  ; Initialize to be blank.

FileCount := 0

Loop, %Folder%*.pdf {

    FileList = %FileList%%A_LoopFileLongPath%`n 



Array := StrSplit(Filelist,"`n")

FileIndex := 1


MsgBox,,, Opening PDF File %FileIndex% of %FileCount%,0.7

 FileToOpen=% Array[FileIndex]

;  v---------------------------------SPECIFY PATH and *.exe FILE OF PDF READER

 Run, "C:\Program Files\Tracker Software\PDF Viewer\PDFXCview.exe" 


 Input, OutputVarx, L1 ,, frx

if (OutputVarx="f")


   FileIndex := 1 + Mod(FileIndex - 1 + 1, FileCount)


if (OutputVarx="r")


   If (FileIndex=1)

     FileIndex = FileCount

   Else FileIndex := FileIndex - 1


if (OutputVarx="x")


;    v-------------SPECIFY *.exe FILE OF YOUR PDF READER HERE




;      v-------------SPECIFY *.exe FILE OF YOUR PDF READER HERE


Sleep, 100

Goto, StartNewPDF
