在虚拟机 VirtualBox 上安装 Windows 7

在虚拟机 VirtualBox 上安装 Windows 7

当我尝试在 VM VirtualBox 上安装 Windows 7 时收到此错误消息:

VM: Raising runtime error 'HostMemoryLow' (fFlags=0x2)
00:03:39.566757 AssertLogRel F:\tinderbox\win-4.3\src\VBox\VMM\VMMR3     \VMM.cpp(1756) int __cdecl VMMR3EmtRendezvous(struct VM *,unsigned int,int    (__cdecl *)(struct VM *,struct VMCPU *,void *),void *):  !pVCpu->vmm.s.fInRendezvous
00:03:39.566781 Console: VM runtime error: fatal=false, errorID=HostMemoryLow message="Unable to allocate and lock memory. The virtual machine will be paused. Please close applications to free up memory or close the VM"
 00:03:39.566913 Changing the VM state from 'RUNNING' to 'GURU_MEDITATION'.
 00:04:49.029767 ERROR [COM]: aRC=VBOX_E_INVALID_VM_STATE (0x80bb0002) aIID={8ab7c520-2442-4b66-8d74-4ff1e195d2b6} aComponent={Console} aText={Invalid machine state GuruMeditation when checking if the guest entered the ACPI mode)}, preserve=false
 00:04:55.063001 Console::powerDown(): A request to power off the VM has been issued (mMachineState=Stopping, InUninit=0)
 00:04:55.063001 Changing the VM state from 'GURU_MEDITATION' to 'POWERING_OFF'.



尝试为虚拟机分配较少的内存(512 MB 或尽可能多)。尝试通过关闭主机上一些不使用的应用程序来释放更多内存。


经过几次尝试,我找到了答案:我已经为 VM 分配了大约 800 Mb,现在运行良好。
