在 Powerpoint 2010 中实时编辑和演示时的导航

在 Powerpoint 2010 中实时编辑和演示时的导航


这在实时编辑当前呈现的同一张幻灯片上的一些要点时非常有效(它会自动更新) - 但是一旦讨论表明需要另一张幻灯片甚至一张新幻灯片,导航就会陷入混乱:



  • 我要么按 Alt-Tab 转到演示窗口,跳转到正确的幻灯片,要么按 Alt-Tab 返回编辑视图,但这会弄乱演示文稿
  • 或者我按“ESC”关闭演示文稿视图,它会自动将编辑视图重新定位到最后演示的幻灯片,在演示文稿中滚动直到找到最后编辑的幻灯片,然后从那里再次开始演示文稿



这实际上非常简单,特别是当您说您想更改当前不在视图中的幻灯片时(由于某些 PPT 版本中的错误,这可能会变得棘手)。

将其添加到演示文稿中的 VBA 模块。您必须将演示文稿保存为 PPTM 或 PPSM,而不是 PPTX/PPTX。按照注释中包含的说明进行操作:

Option Explicit

' We'll modify slide #4 ... change as needed 
' Make sure that the slide has no empty content or picture placeholders on it 
Const lSlideNum As Long = 4

Sub AddAnImage()
    ' add a shape to any slide you like
    ' assign the shape an Action Setting of Run Macro: AddAnImage`

Dim oSl As Slide
Dim oSh As Shape

Set oSl = ActivePresentation.Slides(lSlideNum)

' bring in the image; setting width/height to -1 ensures that you
' don't distort it
Set oSh = oSl.Shapes.AddPicture("c:\temp\photo.jpg", msoFalse, msoTrue, 0, 0, -1, -1)

With oSh
    .LockAspectRatio = msoTrue ' to make sure it stays undistorted
    ' change its position/size as you wish
    ' for example, let's make it the full width of the slide:
    .Width = ActivePresentation.PageSetup.SlideWidth
End With

End Sub

