使用 Cisco VPN 客户端连接 VPN 时出错

使用 Cisco VPN 客户端连接 VPN 时出错


Cisco Systems VPN Client Version Copyright (C) 1998-2010 Cisco Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Client Type(s): Windows, WinNT Running on: 6.2.9200  Config file directory: C:\Program Files\Cisco Systems\VPN Client\

 1. 09:53:33.418  12/09/15  Sev=Warning/3   CVPND/0xE340000C The Client
    was unable to enable the Virtual Adapter because it could not open
    the device.

 2. 09:53:33.433  12/09/15  Sev=Warning/3   CVPND/0xE340000C The Client
    was unable to enable the Virtual Adapter because it could not open
    the device.

 3. 09:53:33.433  12/09/15  Sev=Warning/2   IKE/0xE300009B Failed to
    active IPSec SA: Unable to enable Virtual Adapter (NavigatorQM:936)

 4. 09:53:33.433  12/09/15  Sev=Warning/2   IKE/0xE30000A7 Unexpected SW
    error occurred while processing Quick Mode



  • 打开注册表编辑器,即regedit
  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\vpnva
  • 双击显示名称
  • 删除@oem14.inf,%VPNVA64_Desc%DisplayName 前缀等字符


  • 尝试再次连接


解决方案 1:经过一番研究并获取了其他社区的信息后,发现 Cisco VPN 在 DisplayName 字符串的注册表项中写入了错误的值。

要修复此问题,我们应该将值更改为以下内容:打开注册表编辑器 [从 Windows 运行类型 regedit] 并移动到位置:HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\CVirtA

For x86, change the value data from "@oem8.inf,%CVirtA_Desc%;Cisco Systems VPN Adapter" to "Cisco Systems VPN Adapter"
For x64, change the value data from "@oem8.inf,%CVirtA_Desc%;Cisco Systems VPN Adapter for 64-bit Windows" to "Cisco Systems VPN Adapter for 64-bit Windows"

现在,尝试连接到 VPN,它应该可以正常工作。
