

上次我安装了 Chromium OS。现在我想再次安装 Windows。



我搜索了很多,很多人都通过移除多余的硬盘或 U 盘解决了这个问题。我尝试了很多方法,但从昨天开始我就一直卡在这个问题上。

我的索尼笔记本电脑已经有 5 年历史了,所以它没有 UEFI、GPT、安全启动等。

它没有 CD 驱动器,所以 U 盘是安装操作系统的唯一选择。

我创建了 50 GB 的分区,如下所示:

select disk 0
convert mbr
create partition primary size=51200
format fs=ntfs quick
assign letter=C


2016-02-07 09:37:39, Info       [0x0a0035] UI     Allowing Page 'Install Type' to be shown
2016-02-07 09:37:40, Info       [0x0a0035] UI     Allowing Page 'Install Type' to be shown
2016-02-07 09:37:40, Info       [0x0a0047] UI     DiskPart = 0x1
2016-02-07 09:37:40, Info                  IBS    Callback_ValidateInstallDrive:====== Does disk [0] offset [0x100000] meet installation reqs? ======
2016-02-07 09:37:40, Info       [0x0601ba] IBS    DiskSpaceReqs: Windows image size (from metadata) = [5247493872] bytes
2016-02-07 09:37:40, Info       [0x0601bb] IBS    DiskSpaceReqs: Windows image size (after padding) = [6309114171] bytes
2016-02-07 09:37:40, Info                  IBS    DiskSpaceReqs: Windows image contents: [6309114171] bytes
2016-02-07 09:37:40, Info                  IBS    DiskSpaceReqs: ~BT volume (estimate): [0] bytes
2016-02-07 09:37:40, Info                  IBS    DiskSpaceReqs: Install volume (estimate): [6309114171] bytes
2016-02-07 09:37:40, Info                  IBS    DiskSpaceReqs: ~LS volume (estimate w/o padding): [0] bytes
2016-02-07 09:37:40, Info                  IBS    CalculatingRecommendedSpaceForWindows: RequiredSize  [6309114171] bytes
2016-02-07 09:37:40, Info                  IBS    CalculatingRecommendedSpaceForWindows: Recommending  [11327598907] bytes
2016-02-07 09:37:40, Info                  IBS    Callback_ValidateInstallDrive:Install volume -- required    free space = [6309114171] bytes
2016-02-07 09:37:40, Info                  IBS    Callback_ValidateInstallDrive:Install volume -- recommended free space = [11327598907] bytes
2016-02-07 09:37:40, Info                  IBS    Callback_ValidateInstallDrive:Summary - CCP check passed; able to calculate space reqs; able to find install location; location type meets installation reqs; size of location is not too small; location free space is enough; location free space meets the recommendation
2016-02-07 09:37:40, Info                  IBS    Callback_ValidateInstallDrive:-----------------------------------------------------------
2016-02-07 09:37:40, Info       [0x0606cc] IBS    GetSystemDiskNTPath: Unable to get required buffer size for system disk from BCD APIs; status = 0xc0000452
2016-02-07 09:37:40, Error      [0x06069e] IBS    GetMachineInfo:Couldn't find boot disk on this BIOS-based computer
2016-02-07 09:37:40, Info                  IBSLIB CanBeSystemVolume: Volume at disk [0] offset [0x100000] doesn't meet criteria for system volumes...
2016-02-07 09:37:40, Info                  IBSLIB DiskRegionSupportsCapability:Disk [0] is BLOCKED against capability [CanBeSystemVolume] for the following reasons...
2016-02-07 09:37:40, Info                  IBSLIB LogReasons: [BLOCKING reason for disk 0: CanBeSystemVolume] The selected disk is not the computer's boot disk.
2016-02-07 09:37:40, Info                  IBSLIB CanBeSystemVolume: Volume at disk [0] offset [0x0] doesn't meet criteria for system volumes...
2016-02-07 09:37:40, Info                  IBSLIB DiskRegionSupportsCapability:Disk [0] is BLOCKED against capability [CanBeSystemVolume] for the following reasons...
2016-02-07 09:37:40, Info                  IBSLIB LogReasons: [BLOCKING reason for disk 0: CanBeSystemVolume] The selected disk is not the computer's boot disk.
2016-02-07 09:37:40, Info                  IBSLIB DiskRegionSupportsCapability:Region on disk [0] (offset = [0x0]) is BLOCKED against capability [CanBeSystemVolume] for the following reasons...
2016-02-07 09:37:40, Info                  IBSLIB LogReasons: [BLOCKING reason for {disk 0 offset 0x0}: CanBeSystemVolume] The partition is too small.
2016-02-07 09:37:40, Info                  IBSLIB CanBeSystemVolume: Volume at disk [0] offset [0x7e00] doesn't meet criteria for system volumes...
2016-02-07 09:37:40, Info                  IBSLIB DiskRegionSupportsCapability:Disk [0] is BLOCKED against capability [CanBeSystemVolume] for the following reasons...
2016-02-07 09:37:40, Info                  IBSLIB LogReasons: [BLOCKING reason for disk 0: CanBeSystemVolume] The selected disk is not the computer's boot disk.
2016-02-07 09:37:40, Info                  IBSLIB DiskRegionSupportsCapability:Region on disk [0] (offset = [0x7e00]) is BLOCKED against capability [CanBeSystemVolume] for the following reasons...
2016-02-07 09:37:40, Info                  IBSLIB LogReasons: [BLOCKING reason for {disk 0 offset 0x7e00}: CanBeSystemVolume] The partition is too small.
2016-02-07 09:37:40, Info                  IBSLIB CanBeSystemVolume: Volume at disk [0] offset [0xc80100000] doesn't meet criteria for system volumes...
2016-02-07 09:37:40, Info                  IBSLIB DiskRegionSupportsCapability:Disk [0] is BLOCKED against capability [CanBeSystemVolume] for the following reasons...
2016-02-07 09:37:40, Info                  IBSLIB LogReasons: [BLOCKING reason for disk 0: CanBeSystemVolume] The selected disk is not the computer's boot disk.
2016-02-07 09:37:41, Info                  IBSLIB CanBeSystemVolume: Volume at disk [0] offset [0x100000] doesn't meet criteria for system volumes...
2016-02-07 09:37:41, Info                  IBSLIB DiskRegionSupportsCapability:Disk [0] is BLOCKED against capability [CanBeSystemVolume] for the following reasons...
2016-02-07 09:37:41, Info                  IBSLIB LogReasons: [BLOCKING reason for disk 0: CanBeSystemVolume] The selected disk is not the computer's boot disk.
2016-02-07 09:37:41, Info                  IBSLIB Remedy was applied for said disk rule
2016-02-07 09:37:41, Info       [0x0a0035] UI     Allowing Page 'Install Type' to be shown



我以前也遇到过这种情况。那台机器的解决方案是编辑 BIOS 的启动顺序,这样硬盘就是第一个启动选项(事实上,如果我没记错的话,我将 USB 设备移到了启动顺序优先级中的最后一个选项)。保存后,我按 F10(特定于主板)从 USB 启动,并将其作为一次性启动。


[磁盘 0 的阻止原因:CanBeSystemVolume] 选定的磁盘不是计算机的启动盘。

这让我怀疑 Windows 并没有将驱动器读取为你的启动盘,而是将你的 USB 设备读取为启动盘。


  1. 从 USB 安装程序启动并按下 SHIFT+F10
  2. 在 diskpart 中执行“clean”命令
  3. 创建一个 5 GB 的 fat32 分区,并使用“assign”命令分配一个驱动器号
  4. 使用 xcopy 将 USB 闪存驱动器内容复制到新形成的分区中
  5. 重启系统,将硬盘上的 5GB 分区作为启动位置

