Dell Desktop
Ralink 802.11n USB WiFi adapter
Sonciwall NetExtender
SSL-VPN Client Windows 7 Pro x64
当尝试传输大于 100kb 的文件时(即使是缩略图显示带有图像的文件共享),VPN 连接也会断开。我可以使用远程桌面,但尝试使用 vSphere 的 Web 客户端会导致它断开。
我有另一台带有原生 WiFi 适配器的戴尔笔记本电脑,并且可以通过 VPN 传输 GIGS,没有任何问题。
不使用 VPN 的常规互联网没问题。我可以毫无问题地下载大型文件(1GB 以上)。不使用 VPN 的速度测试显示为 11Mbps(50 Mbps 连接),这对于我的任何 wifi 设备来说都是平均水平。
NetExtender 调试日志: http://pastebin.com/GrtC7Twk
信息 RasMan 20268
CoID={9BA8BEFA-8549-4333-A786-63C4ED44A7EF}:用户使用设备 GENERIC12-0 与 SonicWALL NetExtender 的连接已断开。
==========NetExtender Log==========
Format: 1.0.0
Service Version: 7.5.223
Core DLL Version: 1.0.53
unknown Windows version Service Pack 1
Exported At: 04/06/2016 22:24:13
==========Log Messages==========
04/06/2016 22:21:39, Error, 0x06000308, Engine, NetExtender has been disconnected for one of the following reasons:
-There was a break in the network connection.
-The connection was idle for longer than the configured idle timeout.
-Your user account was logged out of the SSL VPN portal.,
04/06/2016 22:21:39, Info, 0x00000600, Engine, Initializing engine...,
04/06/2016 22:21:49, Info, 0x00010600, Engine, Verifying user...,
04/06/2016 22:21:50, Info, 0x00030600, Engine, Initializing connection parameters...,
04/06/2016 22:21:50, Info, 0x00030501, Engine, Initializing connection parameters...,
04/06/2016 22:21:50, Info, 0x00040600, Engine, Checking updates...,
04/06/2016 22:21:51, Info, 0x00070600, Engine, Initializing driver...,
04/06/2016 22:21:51, Info, 0x00080600, Engine, Initializing security functions...,
04/06/2016 22:21:51, Info, 0x01000600, Engine, Connecting...,
04/06/2016 22:21:52, Info, 0x01010600, Engine, Connected successfully.,
Ralink 是许多问题的根源,所以我建议你换一个 Wifi。正常的 tcp/ip 连接不会发现有问题的无线硬件,因为它重新连接的速度非常快 - 另一个故事是 VLAN,它需要经过加密协商。VLAN 对数据包丢失极为敏感。带宽增加会增加连续三个数据包被丢弃的几率,这足以导致 VLAN 丢失。如果这还不够糟糕,Sonicwall 也因 VLAN 丢失而闻名,尽管通常通过固件升级来解决。
这是 SonicWall 固件中的一个错误,已在以下版本中修复SonicOS
NetExtender clients are frequently disconnected while transferring data, and one of several error messages
• There was a break in the network connection
• The connection was idle longer than configured idle timeout
• Your user account was logged out of the SSLVPN Portal
Occurs when attempting a file transfer or sending a substantial amount of traffic over
the tunnel