将主文件夹移动到 SSD:如何确保所有文件、文件夹和设置都被复制?

将主文件夹移动到 SSD:如何确保所有文件、文件夹和设置都被复制?

我要将 El Capitan 上的主文件夹移至单独的 SSD。我熟悉此过程,并且之前也这样做过。

我希望内容主文件夹 - 即其所有子文件夹,例如Desktop- 紧靠在SSD;因此SSD/desktop






点击系统偏好设置,然后点击用户和组。按住 Control 键并点击要修改其主文件夹的用户,然后选择高级选项。在页面的中间位置,您将看到指定主目录的选项。

之后,使用终端将文件复制到新目录。我会使用 cp 进行复制,这样您就可以在删除旧位置之前验证所有内容是否正确移动(例如:cp -R \old\homeDirectory \new\homeDirectory)(我不记得在 Mac 上是否需要 -R 触发器...)。





我使用了cp -a /Users/myname /Volumes/MyVolume/Users/myname。在这种特定情况下,您可能希望使用

cp -a /Users/myname/ /Volumes/MyVolume



 -a    Same as -pPR options. Preserves structure and attributes of files but not
       directory structure.

 -P    If the -R option is specified, no symbolic links are followed.  This is the

 -p    Cause cp to preserve the following attributes of each source file in the copy:
       modification time, access time, file flags, file mode, user ID, and group ID,
       as allowed by permissions.  Access Control Lists (ACLs) and Extended Attributes
       (EAs), including resource forks, will also be preserved.

       If the user ID and group ID cannot be preserved, no error message is displayed
       and the exit value is not altered.

       If the source file has its set-user-ID bit on and the user ID cannot be pre-
       served, the set-user-ID bit is not preserved in the copy's permissions.  If the
       source file has its set-group-ID bit on and the group ID cannot be preserved,
       the set-group-ID bit is not preserved in the copy's permissions.  If the source
       file has both its set-user-ID and set-group-ID bits on, and either the user ID
       or group ID cannot be preserved, neither the set-user-ID nor set-group-ID bits
       are preserved in the copy's permissions.

 -R    If source_file designates a directory, cp copies the directory and the entire
       subtree connected at that point.  If the source_file ends in a /, the contents
       of the directory are copied rather than the directory itself.  This option also
       causes symbolic links to be copied, rather than indirected through, and for cp
       to create special files rather than copying them as normal files.  Created
       directories have the same mode as the corresponding source directory, unmodi-
       fied by the process' umask.

       In -R mode, cp will continue copying even if errors are detected.

       Note that cp copies hard-linked files as separate files.  If you need to pre-
       serve hard links, consider using tar(1), cpio(1), or pax(1) instead.

