专有软件上 SSH 问题的故障排除技巧

专有软件上 SSH 问题的故障排除技巧

我在与我们购买的硬件建立通道时遇到了问题。我可以使用 Putty(在 Windows 上)和 Ubuntu 的 CLI 通过 SSH 进入 VXworks OS,但是,当我使用 Ruby 或 Python 向硬件发送命令时,我收到“远程主机关闭连接”的消息。


  1. 尝试了不同的编程语言,并在不同的操作系统上进行了不同的实现
  2. 尝试了不同版本的 Ruby 和 Net::SSH,包括 4.0 alpha 版本
  3. 允许端口 22 访问硬件,在硬件上
  4. 添加超时
  5. 指定特定的 Kex 密钥
  6. 缩小 KEXIT 范围(我相信它被称为)
  7. 联系了工程师。他们不相信这是他们造成的,但他们正在向上级反映情况
  8. secureCRT 中的 Python 脚本确实起作用了。



“脚本确实需要在命令之间进行缓冲。我曾使用 securecrt 进行脚本编写。”

这是允许我连接到设备的 secureCRT 脚本。我不太确定这是否相关:

host = "x.x.x.x"
user = "admin"

def main():
    # Prompt for a password instead of embedding it in a script...
    passwd = crt.Dialog.Prompt("Enter password for " + host, "Login", "", True)

    # Build a command-line string to pass to the Connect method.
    cmd = "/SSH2 /L %s /PASSWORD %s /C 3DES /M MD5 %s" % (user, passwd, host)



logged out from slot 1
    [82]: JAN 23 05:13:17: alert  : 1/1/1028: clitask1: User [email protected] logged in on slot 1
    [83]: JAN 23 05:17:41: debug  : 1/1/1038: sshs: tSshServer: accept socket active.
    [84]: JAN 23 05:17:41: debug  : 1/1/1038: sshs: tSshServer: session index = 0 remote IP x.x.x.x.
    [85]: JAN 23 05:17:41: debug  : 1/1/1038: sshs: connInstance = 4218
    [86]: JAN 23 05:17:42: debug  : 1/1/1078: sshs: AuthPassword Callback: conn: 4218: user = admin
    [87]: JAN 23 05:17:42: alert  : 1/1/1078: clitask0: User [email protected] logged in on slot 1
    [88]: JAN 23 05:17:42: debug  : 1/1/1078: sshs: RxCallback: session: 0 event: OPEN
    [89]: JAN 23 05:17:42: debug  : 1/1/1078: sshs: SshInTask: after while() loop, status = -6911, cleanUp = 0
    [90]: JAN 23 05:17:42: debug  : 1/1/1078: sshs: _SshExit(0, 0) called
    [91]: JAN 23 05:19:43: debug  : 1/1/1038: sshs: tSshServer: accept socket active.
    [92]: JAN 23 05:19:43: debug  : 1/1/1038: sshs: tSshServer: session index = 0 remote IP x.x.x.x.
    [93]: JAN 23 05:19:43: debug  : 1/1/1038: sshs: connInstance = 4219
    [94]: JAN 23 05:19:46: debug  : 1/1/1078: sshs: AuthPassword Callback: conn: 4219: user = admin
    [95]: JAN 23 05:19:46: alert  : 1/1/1078: clitask0: User [email protected] logged in on slot 1
    [96]: JAN 23 05:19:46: debug  : 1/1/1078: sshs: RxCallback: session: 0 event: OPEN
    [97]: JAN 23 05:19:46: debug  : 1/1/1078: sshs: SshInTask: after while() loop, status = -6911, cleanUp = 0
    [98]: JAN 23 05:19:46: debug  : 1/1/1078: sshs: _SshExit(0, 0) called
    [99]: JAN 23 05:21:55: alert  : 1/1/1028: clitask1: User [email protected] logged out from slot 1
    [100]: JAN 23 05:23:29: alert  : 1/1/1028: clitask1: User [email protected] logged in on slot 1

以下是来自 Net::SSH 的日志

[2016-05-02T13:41:48.064959 #89562] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.session[11a9720]: establishing connection to
D, [2016-05-02T13:41:48.066315 #89562] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.session[11a9720]: connection established
I, [2016-05-02T13:41:48.066422 #89562]  INFO -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[11a8eec]: negotiating protocol version
D, [2016-05-02T13:41:48.066440 #89562] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[11a8eec]: local is `SSH-2.0-Ruby/Net::SSH_4.0.0.alpha3 x86_64-linux'
D, [2016-05-02T13:41:48.069158 #89562] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[11a8eec]: remote is `SSH-2.0-Mocana SSH'
D, [2016-05-02T13:41:48.070131 #89562] DEBUG -- socket[11a934c]: read 424 bytes
D, [2016-05-02T13:41:48.070230 #89562] DEBUG -- socket[11a934c]: received packet nr 0 type 20 len 420
I, [2016-05-02T13:41:48.070288 #89562]  INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[11a85f0]: got KEXINIT from server
I, [2016-05-02T13:41:48.070350 #89562]  INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[11a85f0]: sending KEXINIT
D, [2016-05-02T13:41:48.070450 #89562] DEBUG -- socket[11a934c]: queueing packet nr 0 type 20 len 1156
D, [2016-05-02T13:41:48.070574 #89562] DEBUG -- socket[11a934c]: sent 1160 bytes
I, [2016-05-02T13:41:48.070615 #89562]  INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[11a85f0]: negotiating algorithms
D, [2016-05-02T13:41:48.070694 #89562] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[11a85f0]: negotiated:
* kex: diffie-hellman-group1-sha1
* host_key: ssh-dss
* encryption_server: aes128-cbc
* encryption_client: aes128-cbc
* hmac_client: hmac-sha1
* hmac_server: hmac-sha1
* compression_client: none
* compression_server: none
* language_client: 
* language_server: 
D, [2016-05-02T13:41:48.070740 #89562] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[11a85f0]: exchanging keys
D, [2016-05-02T13:41:48.071565 #89562] DEBUG -- socket[11a934c]: queueing packet nr 1 type 30 len 140
D, [2016-05-02T13:41:48.071659 #89562] DEBUG -- socket[11a934c]: sent 144 bytes
D, [2016-05-02T13:41:48.276487 #89562] DEBUG -- socket[11a934c]: read 448 bytes
D, [2016-05-02T13:41:48.276613 #89562] DEBUG -- socket[11a934c]: received packet nr 1 type 31 len 444
D, [2016-05-02T13:41:48.277173 #89562] DEBUG -- socket[11a934c]: queueing packet nr 2 type 21 len 20
D, [2016-05-02T13:41:48.277280 #89562] DEBUG -- socket[11a934c]: sent 24 bytes
D, [2016-05-02T13:41:48.280778 #89562] DEBUG -- socket[11a934c]: read 16 bytes
D, [2016-05-02T13:41:48.280829 #89562] DEBUG -- socket[11a934c]: received packet nr 2 type 21 len 12
D, [2016-05-02T13:41:48.281017 #89562] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[11d6f40]: beginning authentication of `admin'
D, [2016-05-02T13:41:48.281089 #89562] DEBUG -- socket[11a934c]: queueing packet nr 3 type 5 len 28
D, [2016-05-02T13:41:48.281231 #89562] DEBUG -- socket[11a934c]: sent 52 bytes
D, [2016-05-02T13:41:48.282232 #89562] DEBUG -- socket[11a934c]: read 52 bytes
D, [2016-05-02T13:41:48.282290 #89562] DEBUG -- socket[11a934c]: received packet nr 3 type 6 len 28
D, [2016-05-02T13:41:48.282386 #89562] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[11d6f40]: trying none
D, [2016-05-02T13:41:48.282458 #89562] DEBUG -- socket[11a934c]: queueing packet nr 4 type 50 len 44
D, [2016-05-02T13:41:48.282537 #89562] DEBUG -- socket[11a934c]: sent 68 bytes
D, [2016-05-02T13:41:48.284239 #89562] DEBUG -- socket[11a934c]: read 52 bytes
D, [2016-05-02T13:41:48.284306 #89562] DEBUG -- socket[11a934c]: received packet nr 4 type 51 len 28
D, [2016-05-02T13:41:48.284352 #89562] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[11d6f40]: allowed methods: password
D, [2016-05-02T13:41:48.284387 #89562] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.methods.none[11dfcf8]: none failed
D, [2016-05-02T13:41:48.284420 #89562] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[11d6f40]: trying password
D, [2016-05-02T13:41:48.284489 #89562] DEBUG -- socket[11a934c]: queueing packet nr 5 type 50 len 60
D, [2016-05-02T13:41:48.284569 #89562] DEBUG -- socket[11a934c]: sent 84 bytes
D, [2016-05-02T13:41:48.295419 #89562] DEBUG -- socket[11a934c]: read 36 bytes
D, [2016-05-02T13:41:48.295559 #89562] DEBUG -- socket[11a934c]: received packet nr 5 type 52 len 12
D, [2016-05-02T13:41:48.295638 #89562] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.methods.password[11de8a8]: password succeeded
D, [2016-05-02T13:41:48.295769 #89562] DEBUG -- socket[11a934c]: queueing packet nr 6 type 90 len 44
D, [2016-05-02T13:41:48.295911 #89562] DEBUG -- socket[11a934c]: sent 68 bytes
D, [2016-05-02T13:41:48.297023 #89562] DEBUG -- socket[11a934c]: read 52 bytes
D, [2016-05-02T13:41:48.297124 #89562] DEBUG -- socket[11a934c]: received packet nr 6 type 91 len 28
I, [2016-05-02T13:41:48.297203 #89562]  INFO -- net.ssh.connection.session[11e3f88]: channel_open_confirmation: 0 85460946 1000 1000
I, [2016-05-02T13:41:48.297353 #89562]  INFO -- net.ssh.connection.channel[11e3df8]: sending channel request "env"
D, [2016-05-02T13:41:48.297444 #89562] DEBUG -- socket[11a934c]: queueing packet nr 7 type 98 len 44
I, [2016-05-02T13:41:48.297579 #89562]  INFO -- net.ssh.connection.channel[11e3df8]: sending channel request "exec"
D, [2016-05-02T13:41:48.297637 #89562] DEBUG -- socket[11a934c]: queueing packet nr 8 type 98 len 28
D, [2016-05-02T13:41:48.297871 #89562] DEBUG -- socket[11a934c]: sent 120 bytes
D, [2016-05-02T13:41:49.297172 #89562] DEBUG -- socket[11a934c]: read 140 bytes
D, [2016-05-02T13:41:49.297469 #89562] DEBUG -- socket[11a934c]: read 0 bytes
I, [2016-05-02T13:41:49.297762 #89562]  INFO -- net.ssh.connection.session[11e3f88]: closing remaining channels (1 open)
D, [2016-05-02T13:41:49.297895 #89562] DEBUG -- socket[11a934c]: read 0 bytes
Net::SSH::Disconnect: connection closed by remote host
