如何向 LibreOffice Calc 文件添加目录?

如何向 LibreOffice Calc 文件添加目录?

在 LO Writer 中添加目录没有问题,但如何在文件中插入目录ods?对于包含超过一页表格的工作簿,如果要将其作为打印输出(而不是文件)分发,最好在第一张表上放置目录,并列出同一ods文件中的所有其他表并附上页码。

我尝试插入 Writer OLE 对象,该对象允许添加目录(在 OLE 对象内...),但该对象似乎忽略了其他工作表的标题。使用超链接插入工作表名称是可以的,但我发现无法同时插入页码。

如果这需要宏(最好是 StarBasic),我会提供赏金。


附言:我发现OpenOffice.org 论坛中的问答可以追溯到 2008 年,但我不明白如何实现它......



Type PageBreakLocation
    Row As Long
    Col As Long
    Sheet As Long
End Type

Function GetLocationKey(item As PageBreakLocation)
    GetLocationKey = "s" & item.Sheet & "r" & item.Row & "c" & item.Col
End Function

Type PageOfSheet
    Sheet As Long
    Page As Long
End Type

Sub CalcTableOfContents
    used_pages = FindAllUsedPages()
    page_of_each_sheet = GetPageOfEachSheet(used_pages)
End Sub

Sub DisplayContents(page_of_each_sheet As Collection)
    msg = ""
    For Each value In page_of_each_sheet
        sheet_name = ThisComponent.Sheets.getByIndex(value.Sheet).getName()
        msg = msg & "Sheet(" & value.Sheet & ") """ & sheet_name & _
            """ .....Page " & value.Page & CHR(13)
    MsgBox msg
End Sub

' Insert a Table of Contents into sheet 1.
Sub Insert_TOC(page_of_each_sheet As Collection)
    oSheet = ThisComponent.Sheets.getByIndex(0)
    oCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition(1, 1)  'B2
    oCell.SetString("Table of Contents")
    row = 3   ' the fourth row
    For Each value In page_of_each_sheet
        oCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition(1, row)  ' column B
        oCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition(3, row)  ' column D
        oCell.SetString("Page " & value.Page)
        row = row + 1
End Sub

' Returns a collection with key as sheet number and item as page number.
Function GetPageOfEachSheet(used_pages As Collection)
    Dim page_of_each_sheet As New Collection
    page_number = 1
    For Each used_page In used_pages
        key = CStr(used_page.Sheet)
        If Not Contains(page_of_each_sheet, key) Then
            Dim value As New PageOfSheet
            value.Sheet = used_page.Sheet
            value.Page = page_number
            page_of_each_sheet.Add(value, key)
        End If
        page_number = page_number + 1
    GetPageOfEachSheet = page_of_each_sheet
End Function

' Looks through all used cells and adds those pages.
' Returns a collection of used pages.
Function FindAllUsedPages
    Dim used_pages As New Collection
    For Each addr in GetFilledRanges()
        FindPagesForRange(addr, used_pages)
    FindAllUsedPages = used_pages
End Function

' Returns an array of filled cells.
' Elements are type com.sun.star.table.CellRangeAddress.
' Note: oSheet.getPrintAreas() seemed like it might do this, but in testing,
'       it always returned empty.
Function GetFilledRanges
    allRangeResults = ThisComponent.createInstance( _
    For i = 0 to ThisComponent.Sheets.getCount() - 1
        oSheet = ThisComponent.Sheets.getByIndex(i)
        With com.sun.star.sheet.CellFlags
            printable_content = .VALUE + .DATETIME + .STRING + .ANNOTATION + _
                                .FORMULA + .OBJECTS
        End With
        filled_cells = oSheet.queryContentCells(printable_content)
        allRangeResults.addRangeAddresses(filled_cells.getRangeAddresses(), False)
    ' Print allRangeResults.getRangeAddressesAsString()
    GetFilledRanges = allRangeResults.getRangeAddresses()
End Function

' Looks through the range and adds any pages to used_pages.
' Note: row.IsStartOfNewPage is only for manual breaks, so we do not use it.
Sub FindPagesForRange(range As Object, used_pages As Collection)
    oSheet = ThisComponent.Sheets.getByIndex(range.Sheet)
    aPageBreakArray = oSheet.getRowPageBreaks()
    Dim used_row_breaks() As Variant
    Dim used_col_breaks() As Variant
    prev_break_row = 0
    For nIndex = 0 To UBound(aPageBreakArray())
        break_row = aPageBreakArray(nIndex).Position
        If break_row = range.StartRow Then
            Append(used_row_breaks, break_row)
        ElseIf break_row > range.StartRow Then
            Append(used_row_breaks, prev_break_row)
        End If
        If break_row > range.EndRow Then
            Exit For
        End If
        prev_break_row = break_row
    prev_break_col = 0
    aPageBreakArray = oSheet.getColumnPageBreaks()
    For nIndex = 0 To UBound(aPageBreakArray())
        break_col = aPageBreakArray(nIndex).Position
        If break_col = range.StartColumn Then
            Append(used_col_breaks, break_col)
        ElseIf break_col > range.StartColumn Then
            Append(used_col_breaks, prev_break_col)
        End If
        If break_col > range.EndColumn Then
            Exit For
        End If
        prev_break_col = break_col
    For Each row In used_row_breaks()
        For Each col In used_col_breaks()
            Dim location As New PageBreakLocation
            location.Sheet = range.Sheet
            location.Row = row
            location.Col = col
            key = GetLocationKey(location)
            If Not Contains(used_pages, key) Then
                used_pages.Add(location, key)
            End If
        Next col
    Next row
End Sub

' Returns True if the collection contains the key, otherwise False.
Function Contains(coll As Collection, key As Variant)
    On Error Goto ErrorHandler
    Contains = True
    Exit Function
    If Err <> 5 Then
         MsgBox "Error " & Err & ": " & Error$ & " (line : " & Erl & ")"
    End If
    Contains = False
End Function

' Append an element to an array, increasing the array's size by 1.
Sub Append(array() As Variant, new_elem As Variant)
    old_len = UBound(array)
    ReDim Preserve array(old_len + 1) As Variant
    array(old_len + 1) = new_elem
End Sub

由于代码太大,最好将其放在自己的模块中。然后,要运行它,请转到并Tools -> Macros -> Run Macro执行CalcTableOfContents例程。


要解决此问题,请在第二页的单元格中添加一些内容。转到Format -> Cells -> Cell Protection并选中“打印时隐藏”,将其设置为不可打印。这将强制宏识别第二页。

如果一切顺利,它应该在表 1 上显示如下结果:

Calc 目录



这是另一种方法。我想知道是否有办法使用 来确定分页符。通过切换到 PageBreak View 并返回,让 LO Calc 计算分页符后,这种方法有效。现在,通过遍历所有使用的单元格(使用当前工作表的和),IsStartOfNewPage计数页数变得非常容易。CursorGotoEndOfUsedArea


Option Base 0
Option Explicit

Private Type SheetInformation
    SheetIndex As Long
    SheetName As String
    PageStart as Long
    PageEnd as Long
    PageCount As Long
End Type

Public Sub Calc_ToC

    If (False = IsSpreadsheetDoc(ThisComponent)) Then
        MsgBox "Works only for spreadsheets!"
        Exit Sub
    End If

    Dim mySheets(ThisComponent.Sheets.getCount() - 1) As New SheetInformation
    Dim origSheet As Long
    origSheet = ThisComponent.getCurrentController.ActiveSheet.RangeAddress.Sheet

    Call collectSheetInfo(mySheets)

    dim document   as Object
    dim dispatcher as Object
    document   = ThisComponent.CurrentController.Frame
    dispatcher = createUnoService("com.sun.star.frame.DispatchHelper")

    dim args1(0) as new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
    args1(0).Name = "Nr"
    args1(0).Value = origSheet + 1
    dispatcher.executeDispatch(document, ".uno:JumpToTable", "", 0, args1())


    Call insertToc(mySheets)

End Sub

Private Sub collectSheetInfo(allSheetsInfo() as New SheetInformation)
    Dim i As Long
    Dim maxPage As Long
    maxPage = 0

    For i = 0 To UBound(allSheetsInfo)
        Dim sheetInfo As New SheetInformation
        sheetInfo.SheetIndex = i
        sheetInfo.SheetName = ThisComponent.Sheets.getByIndex(sheetInfo.SheetIndex).getName()
        Call getPageCount(sheetInfo)
        sheetInfo.PageStart = maxPage + 1
        sheetInfo.PageEnd = sheetInfo.PageStart + sheetInfo.PageCount - 1
        maxPage = sheetInfo.PageEnd
        allSheetsInfo(i) = sheetInfo

End Sub

Private Sub getPageCount(s As SheetInformation)
    Dim oSheet, oCell, oCursor As Object
    Dim i, j, pageCount As Long
    Dim isHorizontalPageBreak, isVerticalPageBreak As Boolean

    dim document   as Object
    dim dispatcher as Object
    document   = ThisComponent.CurrentController.Frame
    dispatcher = createUnoService("com.sun.star.frame.DispatchHelper")

    dim args1(0) as new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
    args1(0).Name = "Nr"
    args1(0).Value = s.SheetIndex + 1
    dispatcher.executeDispatch(document, ".uno:JumpToTable", "", 0, args1())

    args1(0).Name = "PagebreakMode"
    args1(0).Value = true
    dispatcher.executeDispatch(document, ".uno:PagebreakMode", "", 0, args1())
    dim args2(0) as new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
    args2(0).Name = "NormalViewMode"
    args2(0).Value = true
    dispatcher.executeDispatch(document, ".uno:NormalViewMode", "", 0, args2())

    oSheet = ThisComponent.Sheets.getByIndex(s.SheetIndex)

    oCursor = oSheet.createCursor

    pageCount = 1

    For i=0 To oCursor.RangeAddress.EndColumn
        For j=0 To oCursor.RangeAddress.EndRow
            oCell = oSheet.GetCellByPosition(i,j)
            isHorizontalPageBreak = Abs(cINT(oCell.Rows.getByIndex(0).IsStartOfNewPage))
            isVerticalPageBreak = Abs(cINT(oCell.Columns.getByIndex(0).IsStartOfNewPage))
            If i = 0 Then
                If isHorizontalPageBreak Then
                    pageCount = pageCount + 1
                End If
            ElseIf j = 0 Then
                If isVerticalPageBreak Then
                    pageCount = pageCount + 1
                End If
                If (isHorizontalPageBreak AND isVerticalPageBreak) Then
                    pageCount = pageCount + 1
                End if
            End if
        Next j
    Next i
    s.pageCount = pageCount

End Sub

''' -------------------------------------------------------------
''' IsSpreadsheetDoc - Check if current document is a calc file
''' -------------------------------------------------------------
''' Source: "Useful Macro Information For OpenOffice.org By
''' Andrew Pitonyak", Ch. 6.1
''' -------------------------------------------------------------
Private Function IsSpreadsheetDoc(oDoc) As Boolean
  Dim s$ : s$ = "com.sun.star.sheet.SpreadsheetDocument"
  IsSpreadsheetDoc = oDoc.SupportsService(s$)
  If Err <> 0 Then
     IsSpreadsheetDoc = False
    Resume GOON
  End If
End Function

Private Sub Result(s() As SheetInformation)
    Dim msg As String
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim obj As SheetInformation
    msg = ""

    For i = 0 To UBound(s)
        obj = s(i)
        With obj
            msg = msg & .SheetName & " (Index: " & .SheetIndex & _
            ") - Pages: " & .PageCount & _
            " - from/to: " & .PageStart & "/" & .PageEnd & CHR(13)
        End With
End Sub

Private Sub insertToC(s() As SheetInformation)

    Select Case MsgBox("Insert ToC on cursor position?" & CHR(10) & _
        "(Yes: Insert at cursor; No: stop macro)", 36)
        Case 6 'Yes - insert at cursor position'
            Call DoInsert(s)
        Case 7 'No - insert on new sheet'
            Exit Sub
    End Select
End Sub

Private Sub DoInsert(s() As SheetInformation)

    Dim oSheet, oCell, startCell As Object
    Dim sheet,rowStart, colStart, row, col, start As Long
    Dim sName As String
    Dim currentSheet As SheetInformation
    Dim newToc As Boolean

    oSheet = ThisComponent.getCurrentController.ActiveSheet
    startCell = ThisComponent.getCurrentSelection() 
    oCell = startCell
    rowStart = startCell.CellAddress.Row
    colStart = startCell.CellAddress.Column
    oCell.SetString("Table of Contents")
    For sheet = 1 to Ubound(s) + 1
        currentSheet = s(sheet - 1)
        row = rowStart + sheet
        oCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition(colStart, row)  ' column B
        oCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition(colStart + 2, row)  ' column D
        start = currentSheet.PageStart

        oCell.SetString("Page " & start)
End Sub

我使用了 Andrew Pitonyak 的一些示例代码(“适用于 OpenOffice.org 的有用宏信息,作者:Andrew Pitonyak (ODT)“ 和 ”OpenOffice.org 宏说明 (PDF)“)以及Villeroy 的 Cell 自省模块,当然还有一些JimK 的解决方案


如果每页都包含可打印内容,则宏不会对其进行测试。它只是假设GotoEndOfUsedArea在创建目录时应考虑完整的“已使用”单元格范围(使用 标识)。因此,它可能会将空白页计为要打印的页面。因此,对于填充稀疏的纸张,它可能会产生不良结果。但我希望在大多数情况下,在没有空白页的情况下,它的表现会更可靠。


+-+-+     +-+-+     +-+-+
|X|X|     |X|X|     |X| |
+-+-+     +-+-+     +-+-+
|X| |     | |X|     | | |
+-+-+     +-+-+     +-+-+
|X|X|     |X|X|     | |X|
+-+-+     +-+-+     +-+-+
