为什么 ypbind 无法启动?

为什么 ypbind 无法启动?

尝试设置 NIS 服务器。客户端:labipa.example.com 服务器 :server1.example.com



systemctl start ypbind
Job for ypbind.service failed because the control process exited with error code. See "systemctl status ypbind.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details.

journalctl -xe给出错误:

Oct 17 08:33:05 labipa.example.com pulseaudio[3815]: [alsa-sink] alsa-util.c: Unable to set sw params: Permission denied
Oct 17 08:33:05 labipa.example.com pulseaudio[3815]: [alsa-sink] alsa-sink.c: Failed to set software parameters: Permission den
