Plesk 12 尝试获取包含队列详细信息的邮件

Plesk 12 尝试获取包含队列详细信息的邮件

我正在尝试设置一封邮件,当邮件队列中有 100 封邮件时它会通知我。我不是 Linux 服务器人员,因此希望得到一些帮助。我有:

            # get server hostname
            hostname=`cat /etc/hostname`

            current_mailq= "/var/qmail/bin/qmail-qstat"

            # `postqueue -p | tail -n 1 | cut -d' ' -f5`

            yourEmail="[email protected]"

            if [ "$current_mailq" -gt "100" ]
            echo "Mail queue problem - there is currently $current_mailq mails in queue. Please check it out." > check_email_queue_outgoing.txt
            mail -s "$hostname - mail queue alert - there are $current_mailq emails in queue" "$yourEmail" < check_email_queue_outgoing.txt
            echo "Mail queue is fine - there is currently $current_mailq mails in queue. Please check it out."
            echo "Do nothing, situation is fine."

它是我在 plesk 论坛上发现的。

当我运行 cron 作业时,它说

        Output from command /home/xxxxxx/ ..

        /home/xxxxxx/ line 2: 
        : command not found
        /home/xxxxxx/ line 3: 
        : command not found
        cat: /etc/hostname: No such file or directory
        /home/xxxxxx/ line 6: 
        : command not found
        /home/xxxxxx/ line 7: /var/qmail/bin/qmail-qstat
        : No such file or directory
        /home/xxxxxx/ line 8: 
        : command not found
        /home/xxxxxx/ line 10: 
        : command not found
        /home/xxxxxx/ line 12: 
        : command not found
        /home/xxxxxx/ line 13: 
        : command not found
        /home/xxxxxx/ line 21: syntax error near unexpected token `fi'
        /home/xxxxxx/ line 21: `fi'
        Mail handler 'limit-out' said: REPLY:554:5.7.0 Your message could not be sent. The user xxxxxx is not allowed to send email.


编辑 ...

我把用户切换为 root,现在可以发送邮件了,但其他错误仍然存​​在 - 我无法找出邮件队列的大小,谢谢




hostname=`cat /etc/hostname`

current_mailq="`postqueue -p | tail -n 1 | cut -d' ' -f5`"
yourEmail="[email protected]"

echo "$current_mailq"

if (( "$current_mailq" >= "100" )) ; then
echo "Mail queue problem - there is currently $current_mailq mails in queue. Please check it out." > check_email_queue_outgoing.txt
mail -s "$hostname - mail queue alert - there are $current_mailq emails in queue" "$yourEmail" < check_email_queue_outgoing.txt
echo "Mail queue is fine - there is currently $current_mailq mails in queue. Please check it out."
echo "Do nothing, situation is fine."

请注意,编写好的可移植 bash/sh/cmd 代码确实很困难。在我看来,最好采用Go 语言并为任何操作系统创建清晰的可移植程序。
