I'm quite new to Vim, and, since I'm writing my very own .vimrc
file, I was wondering if there is a way to store all the commands relative to a certain plugin configuration in one external file, in order to make the original .vimrc
file less dense, and how can I call that file in my .vimrc
file. Any help will be appreciated.
EDIT: I forgot to say that I'm currently using Pathogen as plugin manager.
You can separate settings for plugins in several files, and include them in .vimrc
For example:
" My Plugin settings {
if filereadable(expand('~/.vim/my.plugin.settings.vim'))
source ~/.vim/my.plugin.settings.vim
" }
If Pathogen is not registering plugins before $HOME/.vim
(which is extremely unlikely), you could simply drop your configuration file into $HOME/.vim/plugin/
. That's all. No need to test anything (*), nor to be explicit. IOW: no need to write anything in your .vimrc
to configure your plugins if you use a plugin manager.
(*) Actually, there is really no need to test anything: :runtime my.plugin.settings.vim
wouldn't have barked at you if the file wasn't there, and it would have sourced if it were.