使用 bat 或 powershell 将包含文件的文件夹拆分为 50 MB 的子文件夹

使用 bat 或 powershell 将包含文件的文件夹拆分为 50 MB 的子文件夹

我有一个 700 MB 的文件夹,其中包含大小各异的 24k 文本文件。我想创建每个大小约为 50 MB 的新文件夹,以便我可以使用 vba 在 excel 中处理它们,因为它的行数限制为 10 万行。



我也对此很感兴趣,所以这里是我使用的 PowerShell 代码。这将获取主文件夹的所有文件,并将它们移动到 10MB 子文件夹中。请随意调整值和名称以满足您的需要。

# Replace with your base folder's path
$baseFolder = "C:\Users\you\myHugeFolder"

# Replace with the desired value for the subfolders to create
$maxSubFolderSize = 10MB

# Get all files contained in your base folder (could use the -recurse switch if needed)
$allFiles = Get-ChildItem $baseFolder

# Setting the subfolders naming convention : a name and a suffix
$baseSubFolder = "SubFolder-"
[int]$index = 0

# Creating the first subfolder
$subFolder = "SubFolder-" + "$index"
New-Item -Path $subFolder -Type Directory -Force

# Now processing the files
foreach ($file in $allFiles)
    # Evaluating the size of the current subfolder
    $subFolderSize = ((Get-ChildItem $subFolder -Recurse | Measure-Object -Property Length -Sum -ErrorAction Stop).Sum / 1MB)

    # If the current subfolder size is greater than the limit, create a new subfolder and begin to copy files in it
    if([int]$subFolderSize -gt [int]$maxSubFolderSize/1MB)
        $subFolder = $baseSubFolder + $index
        New-Item -Path $subFolder -Type Directory -Force
        Write-Verbose -Message "Created folder $subFolder"
        Move-Item $file.FullName -Destination $subFolder
    # If the current subfolder is not yet greater that the limit, continue copying files in it
    else {
        Move-Item $file.FullName -Destination $subFolder

希望这可以帮助 !
