我需要一个脚本来拍摄相机上录制的全尺寸视频,重新压缩它们,创建压缩版本,然后在转换后将原始文件移动到另一个文件夹。然后我将压缩文件而不是原始文件导入 Lightroom。它运行良好,但我希望它仅在成功创建压缩副本后才移动原始文件。欢迎提出改进此脚本的想法!我使用的是 Mac OS X。
#Convert everything in the subdirectories of a directory called "Unprocessed", storing the converted file in the "Processed/Converted" directory, fixing the 420p issue if the file is an AVI files, then move the original to a corresponding subdirectory of "Processed/Completed" for i in Unprocessed/*/*/*.*;
do o=$i;
echo Target is $o;
filename=`echo ${o##*/}`;
echo Filename is $filename;
tree=`echo $o | cut -d'/' -f2-3`;
echo Tree is $tree;
echo Directory to create is "Processed/Converted/$tree";
mkdir -p "Processed/Converted/$tree";
base=`echo ${filename%.*}`;
echo Base is $base;
echo Newfile is $newfile;
ffmpeg -i "$i" -map_metadata 0 -pix_fmt yuv420p "${newfile}";
echo Destination to move to is "Processed/Completed/$tree";
mkdir -p "Processed/Completed/$tree";
mv "$i" "Processed/Completed/$tree";