错误:未找到依赖项“mount”,尝试安装 glib-2.60.0 时尝试了 pkgconfig 和 cmake Linux

错误:未找到依赖项“mount”,尝试安装 glib-2.60.0 时尝试了 pkgconfig 和 cmake Linux


sudo python3 meson _build

**The Meson build system**
Version: 0.50.0
Checking for function "ngettext" : YES
Checking for function "bind_textdomain_codeset" : YES
Dependency mount found: NO (tried pkgconfig and cmake)   

meson.build:1807:2: ERROR: Dependency "mount" not found, tried pkgconfig and cmake

A full log can be found at ~/glib-2.60.0/_build/meson-logs/meson-log.txt

meson-log.txt 错误:

Checking for function "bind_textdomain_codeset" : YES
Pkg-config binary for MachineChoice.HOST is cached.
Determining dependency 'mount' with pkg-config executable '/usr/local/bin/pkg-config'
Called `/usr/local/bin/pkg-config --modversion mount` -> 1

CMake binary for MachineChoice.HOST is cached.
Dependency mount found: NO (tried pkgconfig and cmake)

meson.build:1807:2: ERROR: Dependency "mount" not found, tried pkgconfig and cmake



我在 CentOS 机器上用以下方法纠正了这样的错误:yum install libmount-devel
