usr/bin/lpr: Too many active jobs
RuntimeException: javax.print.PrintException: java.io.IOException: error=1 running: '/usr/bin/lpr' '-PEPSON_TM_T88V' '-J Java Printing' '-o media=Letter' '/var/folders/fb/fnzlgb7d2p7_h4gspnvdldzr0000gn/T/javaprint159865029725996489'
/usr/bin/lpr: Too many active jobs.
lpr 有以下选项:
Usage: lpr [options] [file(s)]
-# num-copies Specify the number of copies to print
-E Encrypt the connection to the server
-H server[:port] Connect to the named server and port
-m Send an email notification when the job completes
-o option[=value] Specify a printer-specific option
-o job-sheets=standard Print a banner page with the job
-o media=size Specify the media size to use
-o number-up=N Specify that input pages should be printed N-up (1, 2, 4, 6, 9, and 16 are supported)
-o orientation-requested=N
Specify portrait (3) or landscape (4) orientation
-o print-quality=N Specify the print quality - draft (3), normal (4), or best (5)
-o sides=one-sided Specify 1-sided printing
-o sides=two-sided-long-edge
Specify 2-sided portrait printing
-o sides=two-sided-short-edge
Specify 2-sided landscape printing
-P destination Specify the destination
-q Specify the job should be held for printing
-r Remove the file(s) after submission
-T title Specify the job title
-U username Specify the username to use for authentication