我正在创建文件夹树的备份,并尝试按路径智能地排除大量文件。我仔细阅读了 zip 手册页,以查看文件排除选项是否-x 'pattern'
按文件名匹配文件路径。这不是很清楚,但它似乎该选项使 zip 在定位要包含的文件时按文件路径匹配。或选项-R
-x 'pattern'
# Bash command line example
$ mkdir -p TstDir/tstHHHdir
$ touch TstDir/tstHHHdir/file.c
$ zip -r test.zip TstDir -x '*HHH*'
updating: TstDir/ (stored 0%)
无论如何,能否明确地说出按文件路径匹配是否是 zip 选项的默认行为?如果是这样,那么和选项之间有什么区别-R
下面通过实证测试来测试 zip 的选项、-d
# Create test folders for -x and -d
mkdir -p TstDir/tstAAAsubdir \
TstDir/tstBBBsubdir \
TstDir/tstCCCsubdir \
TstDir/tstDDDsubdir \
# Create test files for -x and -d
touch TstDir/tstAAAsubdir/fileA.c \
TstDir/tstBBBsubdir/fileB.c \
TstDir/tstCCCsubdir/fileC.c \
TstDir/tstDDDsubdir/fileD.c \
# -x option matches by path
zip -rDy test.zip TstDir -x '*AAA*' '*BBB*'
adding: TstDir/tstCCCsubdir/fileC.c (stored 0%)
adding: TstDir/tstDDDsubdir/fileD.c (stored 0%)
adding: TstDir/tstEEEsubdir/fileE.c (stored 0%)
# -d option matches by path
zip -d test.zip '*CCC*' '*DDD*'
deleting: TstDir/tstCCCsubdir/fileC.c
deleting: TstDir/tstDDDsubdir/fileD.c
# Create test folders for -r and -R
mkdir -p TestDir/testAAAdir \
# Create test files for -r and -R
touch TestDir/testAAAdir/File.b \
TestDir/testBBBdir/File.b \
TestDir/testAAAdir/File.c \
# -r matches by file path
zip -r test.zip '*AAA*.c'
updating: TestDir/testAAAdir/File.c (stored 0%)
# -R doesn't match file path
zip -R test.zip '*AAA*.c'
zip error: Nothing to do! (test.zip)
# The well-known behaviour of -r to descend into
# the file/path specified, recursively zipping
# up files
zip -r test.zip TestDir
updating: TestDir/testAAAdir/File.c (stored 0%)
updating: TestDir/testBBBdir/File.c (stored 0%)
adding: TestDir/ (stored 0%)
adding: TestDir/testAAAdir/ (stored 0%)
adding: TestDir/testAAAdir/File.b (stored 0%)
adding: TestDir/testBBBdir/ (stored 0%)
adding: TestDir/testBBBdir/File.b (stored 0%)
# -R didn't match by path above, but does
# recursively descend into the specified folder and
# matches encountered files by file name
zip -R test.zip TestDir '*.c'
updating: TestDir/testAAAdir/File.c (stored 0%)
updating: TestDir/testBBBdir/File.c (stored 0%)
# Even if the path pattern exists in the folder
# into which zip descends, the -R option *still*
# doesn't match by path -- at least, not treating
# the file separator as an ordinary file name
# character that matchable by "*"
zip -R test.zip TestDir '*AAA*.c'
zip error: Nothing to do! (test.zip)
# However, the -R option *does* match a path using
# what seems like Bash rules, where the file
# separator is not assumed to match "*"
zip -R test.zip TestDir '*AAA*/*.c'
updating: TestDir/testAAAdir/File.c (stored 0%)
# The -r option also seems to match by Bash rules,
# but this behaviour could be because it is a
# subset of the file path matching behaviour above
zip -r test.zip 'TestDir/*AAA*/*.c'
updating: TestDir/testAAAdir/File.c (stored 0%)