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%for the author in chapters
% CUEDthesis v1.1
% By Harish Bhanderi <[email protected]
% Version 1.0 released 15/07/2002
% Version 1.1 released 14/07/2010
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% note that this doesn't do much if you later define another bibliography style
% Nomenclature
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\item[\textbf{Greek Symbols}]}{% G - Greek
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\item[\textbf{Subscripts}]}{{% S - Subscripts
\item[\textbf{Other Symbols}]}{{% X - Other Symbols
\item[\textbf{Acronyms}]}% Z - Acronyms
%--> Google.com search "hyperref options"
%--> http://www.ai.mit.edu/lab/sysadmin/latex/documentation/latex/hyperref/manual.pdf
%--> http://www.chemie.unibas.ch/~vogtp/LaTeX2PDFLaTeX.pdf
%--> http://www.uni-giessen.de/partosch/eurotex99/ oberdiek/print/sli4a4col.pdf
%--> http://me.in-berlin.de/~miwie/tex-refs/html/latex-packages.html
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\newcommand{\submittedtext}{{A thesis submitted for the degree of}}
% These macros are used to declare arguments needed for the
% construction of the title page and other preamble.
% The year and term the degree will be officially conferred
% The full (unabbreviated) name of the degree
% The name of your college or department(eg. Trinity, Pembroke, Maths, Physics)
% The name of your University
% Defining the crest
%declarations added by yaowang
% These macros define an environment for front matter that is always
% single column even in a double-column document.
%define title page layout
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% \null\vfill
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{\it {\@degree} \par}
% The dedication environment makes sure the dedication gets its
% own page and is set out in verse format.
\begin{quote} \begin{center}}
{\end{center} \end{quote} \end{alwayssingle}}
% The acknowledgements environment puts a large, bold, centered
% "Acknowledgements" label at the top of the page. The acknowledgements
% themselves appear in a quote environment, i.e. tabbed in at both sides, and
% on its own page.
{\Large \bfseries Acknowledgements}
% The acknowledgementslong environment puts a large, bold, centered
% "Acknowledgements" label at the top of the page. The acknowledgement itself
% does not appears in a quote environment so you can get more in.
{\Large \bfseries Acknowledgements}
%The abstract environment puts a large, bold, centered "Abstract" label at
%the top of the page. The abstract itself appears in a quote environment,
%i.e. tabbed in at both sides, and on its own page.
\newenvironment{abstracts} {\begin{alwayssingle} \pagestyle{empty}
{\Large \bfseries Abstract}
%The abstractlong environment puts a large, bold, centered "Abstract" label at
%the top of the page. The abstract itself does not appears in a quote
%environment so you can get more in.
\newenvironment{abstractslong} {\begin{alwayssingle} \pagestyle{empty}
{\Large \bfseries Abstract}
\vspace{0.5cm} \begin{quote}}
%The abstractseparate environment is for running of a page with the abstract
%on including title and author etc as required to be handed in separately
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% The romanpages environment set the page numbering to lowercase roman one
% for the contents and figures lists. It also resets
% page-numbering for the remainder of the dissertation (arabic, starting at 1).
我自己解决了。问题不是出在latex脚本上,而是编码问题。我发现只有引言部分才会导致问题,因此,我检查了使用的编码类型,并与其他latex文件进行了比较。引言latex文件是UTF-8 Unicode(带BOM)文本,而其他文件是ASCII。因此,我先将其转换为不带BOM的UTF-8,然后就可以正常工作了。我不知道UTF-8和带BOM的UTF-8之间到底有什么区别,但它导致了问题。