ffmpeg 360 Video - Convert EAC (Youtube) to Equirectangular

ffmpeg 360 Video - Convert EAC (Youtube) to Equirectangular

I have this top-bottom 360 Video, where the bottom is rotated 90 degrees clockwise, and I am looking for the ffmpeg command to produce a singular equirectangular output. I've been experimenting with various ffmpeg 360 filters, but am really just guessing at this point.

enter image description here


I thought that the image was stereo so was playing with filters like in_stereo=sbs, but it turns out this is just the layout for EAC.


This conversion requires a 360 video filter, I found the answer on this wiki.

-vf "v360=eac:equirect"

full example:

ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -vf "v360=eac:equirect" output.mp4
