Windows Server 2019 中的 SSRS Sql Server Reporting Server Custom Security 2019 异常

Windows Server 2019 中的 SSRS Sql Server Reporting Server Custom Security 2019 异常

我遇到了与 Windows Server 2019 中的 SSRS(Sql Server Reporting Server)2019 自定义安全异常有关的问题。

SSRS 报告在以前版本的 SQL Server(2016、2014 和 2012)中的 winforms 代码中运行良好,但在 2019 中却不行。

使用 Winforms 源代码运行报告并将 WebRequest 发送到 SSRS 服务器,其中包含必要的详细信息,如服务器 URL、用户名、密码、DBName 等,使用 webResponse 返回响应需要为用户获取身份验证 cookie

由于 sqlAuthCookie 为空而出现错误,由于未启用自定义安全异常也出现错误


附加从 发送并从 SSRS 服务器获取响应的代码片段。

Protected Overrides Function GetWebResponse(ByVal request As WebRequest) As WebResponse
        Dim response As WebResponse = MyBase.GetWebResponse(request)
        Dim cookieName As String = response.Headers("RSAuthenticationHeader")
        ' If the response contains an auth header, store the cookie
        If Not (cookieName Is Nothing) Then
            Dim webResponse As HttpWebResponse = CType(response, HttpWebResponse)
            Dim authCookie As Cookie = webResponse.Cookies(cookieName)
            ' If the auth cookie is null, throw an exception
            If authCookie Is Nothing Then
                Throw New Exception("Unable to generate report - the Reporting Services Custom Security Extension is expected to be enabled in XB")
            End If
            ' otherwise save it for this request
            Me.AuthCookie = authCookie
            ' and send it to the client
        End If
        Return response

    End Function
//adding new GetUserInfo method for IAuthenticationExtension2
       public void GetUserInfo(IRSRequestContext requestContext, out IIdentity userIdentity, out IntPtr userId)
           userIdentity = null;
           if (requestContext.User != null)
               userIdentity = requestContext.User;

           // initialize a pointer to the current user id to zero
           userId = IntPtr.Zero;
