-SecurityTypes sec-types
Specify which security scheme to use for incoming connections. Valid values are a comma separated list of None, VncAuth, Plain, TLSNone, TLSVnc, TLSPlain, X509None, X509Vnc and X509Plain. Default is VncAuth,TLSVnc.
−X509Cert path
Path to a X509 certificate in PEM format to be used for all X509 based security types (X509None, X509Vnc, etc.).
−X509Key path
Private key counter part to the certificate given in X509Cert. Must also be in PEM format.
−GnuTLSPriority priority
GnuTLS priority string that controls the TLS sessionâs handshake algorithms. See the GnuTLS manual for possible values. Default is NORMAL.
所以基本上你必须设置然后在和-SecurityTypes X509...
中提供你的证书和私钥的路径。设置GnuTLS 优先级。-X509Cert
可能的 GnuTLS 优先级是详尽的,因为有很多密码套件。读自GnuTLS 文档
抱歉:我不确定这是否是正确的答案,因为它未经测试,而且我从未使用过 VNC 的 X509 证书(好吧,我的网络浏览器会为我读取它们)。评论里看起来太笨拙了。