Linux Mint 可以看到 Windows,但 update-grub 不会更新 - 可能损坏

Linux Mint 可以看到 Windows,但 update-grub 不会更新 - 可能损坏

在双启动计算机上,我突然无法启动到 Windows 10,并且 grub 加载程序不再加载。我重新安装了 Linux Mint 19.3 Tricia。现在我正在尝试将 Windows 添加到位于 sda1 上的 grub。

当我运行 os-prober 时,我得到以下信息,我认为这意味着它看到了 Windows。

$ sudo os-prober
/dev/sda1:Windows 10:Windows:chain

但是当我尝试更新 grub 时,它说看不到 sda。 update-grub 永远运行。

fdisk 说分区不在物理扇区边界上启动。

Device     Boot     Start        End    Sectors   Size Id Type
/dev/sda1  *           63  315546477  315546415 150.5G  7 HPFS/NTFS/exFAT
/dev/sda2       315547648  317315071    1767424   863M 27 Hidden NTFS WinRE
/dev/sda3       318558206 1465147391 1146589186 546.8G  5 Extended
/dev/sda5       318558208  709181439  390623232 186.3G 83 Linux
/dev/sda6       709183488  719054847    9871360   4.7G 82 Linux swap / Solaris
/dev/sda7       719056896  859484159  140427264    67G 83 Linux
/dev/sda8       859486208 1465147391  605661184 288.8G  7 HPFS/NTFS/exFAT

Partition 1 does not start on physical sector boundary.
Partition 3 does not start on physical sector boundary.

我尝试运行 ntfsfix

$ sudo ntfsfix /dev/sda1
Mounting volume... OK
Processing of $MFT and $MFTMirr completed successfully.
Checking the alternate boot sector... FAILED
Error: Failed to fix the alternate boot sector


update-grub 的作用如下:

$sudo update-grub
Sourcing file `/etc/default/grub'
Sourcing file `/etc/default/grub.d/50_linuxmint.cfg'
Sourcing file `/etc/default/grub.d/60_mint-theme.cfg'
Generating grub configuration file ...
error: cannot read `/dev/sda': Input/output error.
error: cannot read `/dev/sda': Input/output error.
error: cannot read `/dev/sda': Input/output error.
error: cannot read `/dev/sda': Input/output error.
error: cannot read `/dev/sda': Input/output error.
error: cannot read `/dev/sda': Input/output error.
error: cannot read `/dev/sda': Input/output error.
error: cannot read `/dev/sda': Input/output error.
error: cannot read `/dev/sda': Input/output error.
error: cannot read `/dev/sda': Input/output error.
error: cannot read `/dev/sda': Input/output error.
error: cannot read `/dev/sda': Input/output error.
error: cannot read `/dev/sda': Input/output error.
error: cannot read `/dev/sda': Input/output error.
error: cannot read `/dev/sda': Input/output error.
error: cannot read `/dev/sda': Input/output error.
error: cannot read `/dev/sda': Input/output error.
error: cannot read `/dev/sda': Input/output error.
error: cannot read `/dev/sda': Input/output error.
error: cannot read `/dev/sda': Input/output error.
error: cannot read `/dev/sda': Input/output error.
error: cannot read `/dev/sda': Input/output error.
error: cannot read `/dev/sda': Input/output error.
error: cannot read `/dev/sda': Input/output error.
error: cannot read `/dev/sda': Input/output error.
error: cannot read `/dev/sda': Input/output error.
error: cannot read `/dev/sda': Input/output error.
error: cannot read `/dev/sda': Input/output error.
error: cannot read `/dev/sda': Input/output error.
error: cannot read `/dev/sda': Input/output error.
error: cannot read `/dev/sda': Input/output error.
error: cannot read `/dev/sda': Input/output error.
error: cannot read `/dev/sda': Input/output error.
error: cannot read `/dev/sda': Input/output error.
error: cannot read `/dev/sda': Input/output error.
error: cannot read `/dev/sda': Input/output error.
Found theme: /boot/grub/themes/linuxmint/theme.txt
error: cannot read `/dev/sda': Input/output error.
error: cannot read `/dev/sda': Input/output error.
error: cannot read `/dev/sda': Input/output error.
error: cannot read `/dev/sda': Input/output error.
error: cannot read `/dev/sda': Input/output error.
error: cannot read `/dev/sda': Input/output error.
error: cannot read `/dev/sda': Input/output error.
error: cannot read `/dev/sda': Input/output error.

这是 fdisk
