HDD 无法识别 hdparm -S 标志

HDD 无法识别 hdparm -S 标志

我的 WD6400AAKS 通过 USB 连接到 Raspberry。它包含在带有访问 LED 的外部 USB 盒中。它在 hdparm -y 上运行良好并停止运行。如果您在该驱动器上执行 ls 操作,它就会旋转。到目前为止,一切都很好。不幸的是它不能识别-S。尝试了 -S 1、-S 12。hdparm 正确返回,没有错误,但驱动器不会旋转,尽管 LED 指示没有访问。任何想法?


尝试将Advanced Power Management Feature设为127


-B     Get/set  Advanced  Power  Management feature, if the drive supports it. A low value
       means aggressive power management  and  a  high  value  means  better  performance.
       Possible  settings  range  from  values 1 through 127 (which permit spin-down), and
       values 128 through 254 (which do not permit  spin-down).   The  highest  degree  of
       power  management  is attained with a setting of 1, and the highest I/O performance
       with a setting of 254.  A value of 255  tells  hdparm  to  disable  Advanced  Power
       Management  altogether  on the drive (not all drives support disabling it, but most

通过将高级电源管理功能设置为低于 128 的值,您可以允许驱动器降速。用于-S parameter设置所需空闲时间的超时,但例如,如果高级电源管理功能关闭,则固件可能不遵守该参数。
