moderncv 中的一些格式问题

moderncv 中的一些格式问题



% moderncv themes

% character encoding

\usepackage{lipsum} % Just for dummy text

% adjust the page margins

% personal data
\title{Software Developer} 
\email{[email protected]}



% to show numerical labels in the bibliography; only useful if you make citations in your resume

%            content

\cvline{\fontsize{9}{12}\selectfont{Skill1}}{Skills, Skills, Skills}
\cvline{\fontsize{9}{12}\selectfont{Skill1}}{Skills, Skills, Skills}
\cvline{\fontsize{9}{12}\selectfont{Skill1}}{Skills, Skills, Skills}
\cvline{\fontsize{9}{12}\selectfont{Skill1}}{Skills, Skills, Skills}
\cvline{\fontsize{9}{12}\selectfont{Skill1}}{Skills, Skills, Skills}
\cvline{\fontsize{9}{12}\selectfont{Skill1}}{Skills, Skills, Skills}

\cventry{Nov 2009 Nov 2011}{Software Developer}{Microsoft}{Earth, Universe}{}{\lipsum[6]
\item Designed and developed features
\item Designed and developed features
\item Designed and developed features
\item Designed and developed features
\item Designed and developed features
\item Designed and developed features
\item Designed and developed features
\item Designed and developed features
\item Designed and developed features
\item Designed and developed features
\item Designed and developed features
\item Designed and developed features
\item Designed and developed features
\item Designed and developed features



  1. 如何增加引用部分的覆盖面积(宽度方向),使其从绝对左侧开始并跨越到页面的最大右侧(在允许的最大 A4 边距内)?

  2. 如何缩小报价部分和技能之间的差距?

  3. 在 Experience 中的第一个位置,我想要在名称等后面加一行。但是,当我添加\newline(在 Universe 之后)时,会导致两个问题:

    a. 空行中有句号

    b. 整个块移动到第二页(第一页大部分留空),我需要它继续到下一页。






% moderncv themes

% character encoding

\usepackage{lipsum} % Just for dummy text

% adjust the page margins


% fix the spacing above the quote
  {12pt}% or whatever: space above the quote
% fix the spacing below the quote (you have to do both!)
  {0pt}% or whatever: space below the quote

% Patch the width of the quote
\xpatchcmd\makecvtitle{\quotewidth}{0.9\textwidth}{}{} % default is .65

% Add a vertical space before the description
  {\small\vspace*{1ex}} % choose what you want

% personal data
\title{Software Developer} 
\email{[email protected]}



% to show numerical labels in the bibliography; 
% only useful if you make citations in your resume

%            content

\cvline{\footnotesize Skill1}{Skills, Skills, Skills}
\cvline{\footnotesize Skill1}{Skills, Skills, Skills}
\cvline{\footnotesize Skill1}{Skills, Skills, Skills}
\cvline{\footnotesize Skill1}{Skills, Skills, Skills}
\cvline{\footnotesize Skill1}{Skills, Skills, Skills}
\cvline{\footnotesize Skill1}{Skills, Skills, Skills}

\cventry{Nov 2009 Nov 2011}
 {Software Developer}
 {Earth, Universe}
  \item Designed and developed features
  \item Designed and developed features
  \item Designed and developed features
  \item Designed and developed features
  \item Designed and developed features
  \item Designed and developed features
  \item Designed and developed features
  \item Designed and developed features
  \item Designed and developed features
  \item Designed and developed features
  \item Designed and developed features
  \item Designed and developed features
  \item Designed and developed features
  \item Designed and developed features


