

在我更新主机上的 CPU(和 BIOS)后,我当前的 KVM 设置被破坏,我无法弄清楚原因:我的 KVM 来宾启动后大约 10 秒,我无法从两个主机访问互联网或客户。我的 LAN 内的连接似乎仍然有效(即,我仍然能够通过 ssh 从 LAN 内连接到主机/服务器,现有的 VNC 连接保持不变)。


我在我的主机上运行 Debian 11,并且有一些 Ubuntu kvm guest 虚拟机。在启动客人之前(我只使用一名客人goingmerry),一切正常:

$ ping www.google.com
PING www.google.com ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from fra16s48-in-f4.1e100.net ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=118 time=13.7 ms
64 bytes from fra16s48-in-f4.1e100.net ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=118 time=12.8 ms
64 bytes from fra16s48-in-f4.1e100.net ( icmp_seq=3 ttl=118 time=12.8 ms
64 bytes from fra16s48-in-f4.1e100.net ( icmp_seq=4 ttl=118 time=12.8 ms
# route -n
Kernel IP routing table
Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface         UG    0      0        0 enp5s0     U     0      0        0 docker0     U     0      0        0 br-b30cdaf25b27   U     0      0        0 enp5s0 UH    0      0        0 enp5s0   U     0      0        0 virbr0

(您可以看到 KVM 的虚拟网络已经启动(virbr0在 中route -n)。


然后我启动我的 KVM 来宾,启动后很短的时间内一切都很好(我可以通过 VNC 或 Spice 连接,打开浏览器并访问网站)主机和客户端上的互联网连接都中断。例如在主机上会发生这种情况:

$ ping www.google.com
PING www.google.com ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from fra24s06-in-f4.1e100.net ( icmp_seq=42 ttl=119 time=12.2 ms
[...snip ... ]
64 bytes from fra24s06-in-f4.1e100.net ( icmp_seq=68 ttl=119 time=12.5 ms
From myhost.local ( icmp_seq=69 Destination Host Unreachable
From myhost.local ( icmp_seq=70 Destination Host Unreachable
From myhost.local ( icmp_seq=71 Destination Host Unreachable
From myhost.local ( icmp_seq=72 Destination Host Unreachable

我不知道为什么 ping 消息会在这里提到myhost.localmyhost我的主机的主机名在哪里)。


# cat /etc/network/interfaces
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

auto enp5s0
iface enp5s0 inet static
# route -n
Kernel IP routing table
Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface         U     0      0        0 vnet0         UG    0      0        0 enp5s0     U     0      0        0 vnet0     U     0      0        0 docker0     U     0      0        0 br-b30cdaf25b27   U     0      0        0 enp5s0 UH    0      0        0 enp5s0   U     0      0        0 virbr0
# resolvectl status
         Protocols: +LLMNR +mDNS -DNSOverTLS DNSSEC=no/unsupported
  resolv.conf mode: foreign
Current DNS Server:
       DNS Servers:
        DNS Domain: lan

Link 2 (enp5s0)
Current Scopes: LLMNR/IPv4 LLMNR/IPv6
     Protocols: -DefaultRoute +LLMNR -mDNS -DNSOverTLS DNSSEC=no/unsupported

Link 3 (br-b30cdaf25b27)
Current Scopes: none
     Protocols: -DefaultRoute +LLMNR -mDNS -DNSOverTLS DNSSEC=no/unsupported

Link 4 (docker0)
Current Scopes: none
     Protocols: -DefaultRoute +LLMNR -mDNS -DNSOverTLS DNSSEC=no/unsupported

Link 5 (virbr0)
Current Scopes: LLMNR/IPv4
     Protocols: -DefaultRoute +LLMNR -mDNS -DNSOverTLS DNSSEC=no/unsupported

Link 6 (vnet0)
Current Scopes: LLMNR/IPv4 LLMNR/IPv6
     Protocols: -DefaultRoute +LLMNR -mDNS -DNSOverTLS DNSSEC=no/unsupported
root@myhost:/home/tom# ip a
1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group default qlen 1000
    link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
    inet scope host lo
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    inet6 ::1/128 scope host 
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
2: enp5s0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,DYNAMIC,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state UP group default qlen 1000
    link/ether 04:d9:f5:7d:c2:65 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    inet brd scope global enp5s0
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    inet6 fe80::6d9:f5ff:fe7d:c265/64 scope link 
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
3: br-b30cdaf25b27: <NO-CARRIER,BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state DOWN group default 
    link/ether 02:42:2f:43:d7:32 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    inet brd scope global br-b30cdaf25b27
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
4: docker0: <NO-CARRIER,BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state DOWN group default 
    link/ether 02:42:d1:c1:1e:35 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    inet brd scope global docker0
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
5: virbr0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state UP group default qlen 1000
    link/ether 52:54:00:ca:96:bd brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    inet brd scope global virbr0
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
6: vnet0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue master virbr0 state UNKNOWN group default qlen 1000
    link/ether fe:54:00:a0:ac:92 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    inet brd scope global vnet0
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    inet6 fe80::fc54:ff:fea0:ac92/64 scope link 
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever


Oct 31 09:28:47 myhost kernel: [  518.943125] audit: type=1400 audit(1667204927.827:13): apparmor="STATUS" operation="profile_load" profile="unconfined" name="libvirt-24a0099b-399b-4737-b766-6c64a25c18f7" pid=2946 comm="apparmor_parser"
Oct 31 09:28:47 myhost kernel: [  519.075453] audit: type=1400 audit(1667204927.963:14): apparmor="STATUS" operation="profile_replace" profile="unconfined" name="libvirt-24a0099b-399b-4737-b766-6c64a25c18f7" pid=2949 comm="apparmor_parser"
Oct 31 09:28:48 myhost kernel: [  519.204926] audit: type=1400 audit(1667204928.091:15): apparmor="STATUS" operation="profile_replace" profile="unconfined" name="libvirt-24a0099b-399b-4737-b766-6c64a25c18f7" pid=2953 comm="apparmor_parser"
Oct 31 09:28:48 myhost kernel: [  519.316702] audit: type=1400 audit(1667204928.203:16): apparmor="STATUS" operation="profile_replace" info="same as current profile, skipping" profile="unconfined" name="libvirt-24a0099b-399b-4737-b766-6c64a25c18f7" pid=2957 comm="apparmor_parser"
Oct 31 09:28:48 myhost systemd[1]: Started Virtual machine log manager.
Oct 31 09:28:48 myhost connmand[1223]: vnet0 {create} index 6 type 1 <ETHER>
Oct 31 09:28:48 myhost connmand[1223]: vnet0 {update} flags 4098 <DOWN>
Oct 31 09:28:48 myhost connmand[1223]: vnet0 {newlink} index 6 address EA:31:34:19:13:E9 mtu 1500
Oct 31 09:28:48 myhost connmand[1223]: vnet0 {newlink} index 6 operstate 2 <DOWN>
Oct 31 09:28:48 myhost connmand[1223]: Adding interface vnet0 [ ethernet ]
Oct 31 09:28:48 myhost connmand[1223]: vnet0 {newlink} index 6 address FE:54:00:A0:AC:92 mtu 1500
Oct 31 09:28:48 myhost connmand[1223]: vnet0 {newlink} index 6 operstate 2 <DOWN>
Oct 31 09:28:48 myhost connmand[1223]: vnet0 {newlink} index 6 address FE:54:00:A0:AC:92 mtu 1500
Oct 31 09:28:48 myhost connmand[1223]: vnet0 {newlink} index 6 operstate 2 <DOWN>
Oct 31 09:28:48 myhost connmand[1223]: vnet0 {newlink} index 6 address FE:54:00:A0:AC:92 mtu 1500
Oct 31 09:28:48 myhost connmand[1223]: vnet0 {newlink} index 6 operstate 2 <DOWN>
Oct 31 09:28:48 myhost connmand[1223]: virbr0 {newlink} index 5 address 52:54:00:CA:96:BD mtu 1500
Oct 31 09:28:48 myhost connmand[1223]: virbr0 {newlink} index 5 operstate 2 <DOWN>
Oct 31 09:28:48 myhost connmand[1223]: vnet0 {newlink} index 6 address FE:54:00:A0:AC:92 mtu 1500
Oct 31 09:28:48 myhost connmand[1223]: vnet0 {newlink} index 6 operstate 2 <DOWN>
Oct 31 09:28:48 myhost connmand[1223]: vnet0 {update} flags 69699 <UP,RUNNING,LOWER_UP>
Oct 31 09:28:48 myhost kernel: [  519.396033] tun: Universal TUN/TAP device driver, 1.6
Oct 31 09:28:48 myhost kernel: [  519.397012] virbr0: port 1(vnet0) entered blocking state
Oct 31 09:28:48 myhost kernel: [  519.397019] virbr0: port 1(vnet0) entered disabled state
Oct 31 09:28:48 myhost kernel: [  519.397225] device vnet0 entered promiscuous mode
Oct 31 09:28:48 myhost kernel: [  519.397767] virbr0: port 1(vnet0) entered blocking state
Oct 31 09:28:48 myhost kernel: [  519.397776] virbr0: port 1(vnet0) entered listening state
Oct 31 09:28:48 myhost connmand[1223]: vnet0 {newlink} index 6 address FE:54:00:A0:AC:92 mtu 1500
Oct 31 09:28:48 myhost connmand[1223]: vnet0 {newlink} index 6 operstate 0 <UNKNOWN>
Oct 31 09:28:48 myhost systemd-udevd[2968]: Using default interface naming scheme 'v247'.
Oct 31 09:28:48 myhost systemd-udevd[2968]: ethtool: autonegotiation is unset or enabled, the speed and duplex are not writable.
Oct 31 09:28:48 myhost connmand[1223]: vnet0 {add} route fe80:: gw :: scope 0 <UNIVERSE>
Oct 31 09:28:48 myhost connmand[1223]: vnet0 {newlink} index 6 address FE:54:00:A0:AC:92 mtu 1500
Oct 31 09:28:48 myhost connmand[1223]: vnet0 {newlink} index 6 operstate 0 <UNKNOWN>
Oct 31 09:28:48 myhost connmand[1223]: vnet0 {newlink} index 6 address FE:54:00:A0:AC:92 mtu 1500
Oct 31 09:28:48 myhost connmand[1223]: vnet0 {newlink} index 6 operstate 0 <UNKNOWN>
Oct 31 09:28:48 myhost kernel: [  519.499991] audit: type=1400 audit(1667204928.387:17): apparmor="STATUS" operation="profile_replace" profile="unconfined" name="libvirt-24a0099b-399b-4737-b766-6c64a25c18f7" pid=2979 comm="apparmor_parser"
Oct 31 09:28:48 myhost systemd[1]: Started Virtual Machine qemu-1-goingmerry.
Oct 31 09:28:48 myhost kernel: [  519.564602] audit: type=1400 audit(1667204928.451:18): apparmor="DENIED" operation="capable" profile="libvirtd" pid=1350 comm="rpc-worker" capability=39  capname="bpf"
Oct 31 09:28:48 myhost kernel: [  519.565110] audit: type=1400 audit(1667204928.451:19): apparmor="DENIED" operation="capable" profile="libvirtd" pid=1350 comm="rpc-worker" capability=38  capname="perfmon"
Oct 31 09:28:48 myhost libvirtd[2983]: 2022-10-31 08:28:48.458+0000: 2983: info : libvirt version: 7.0.0, package: 3 (Andrea Bolognani <[email protected]> Fri, 26 Feb 2021 16:46:34 +0100)
Oct 31 09:28:48 myhost libvirtd[2983]: 2022-10-31 08:28:48.458+0000: 2983: info : hostname: myhost
Oct 31 09:28:48 myhost libvirtd[2983]: 2022-10-31 08:28:48.458+0000: 2983: warning : virSecurityValidateTimestamp:206 : Invalid XATTR timestamp detected on /srv/vm/lubuntu-1910.qcow2 secdriver=dac
Oct 31 09:28:48 myhost connmand[1223]: vnet0 {newlink} index 6 address FE:54:00:A0:AC:92 mtu 1500
Oct 31 09:28:48 myhost connmand[1223]: vnet0 {newlink} index 6 operstate 0 <UNKNOWN>
Oct 31 09:28:48 myhost connmand[1223]: vnet0 {newlink} index 6 address FE:54:00:A0:AC:92 mtu 1500
Oct 31 09:28:48 myhost connmand[1223]: vnet0 {newlink} index 6 operstate 0 <UNKNOWN>
Oct 31 09:28:50 myhost avahi-daemon[1220]: Joining mDNS multicast group on interface vnet0.IPv6 with address fe80::fc54:ff:fea0:ac92.
Oct 31 09:28:50 myhost avahi-daemon[1220]: New relevant interface vnet0.IPv6 for mDNS.
Oct 31 09:28:50 myhost avahi-daemon[1220]: Registering new address record for fe80::fc54:ff:fea0:ac92 on vnet0.*.
Oct 31 09:28:50 myhost kernel: [  521.411396] virbr0: port 1(vnet0) entered learning state
Oct 31 09:28:50 myhost connmand[1223]: vnet0 {newlink} index 6 address FE:54:00:A0:AC:92 mtu 1500
Oct 31 09:28:50 myhost connmand[1223]: vnet0 {newlink} index 6 operstate 0 <UNKNOWN>
Oct 31 09:28:52 myhost connmand[1223]: vnet0 {newlink} index 6 address FE:54:00:A0:AC:92 mtu 1500
Oct 31 09:28:52 myhost connmand[1223]: vnet0 {newlink} index 6 operstate 0 <UNKNOWN>
Oct 31 09:28:52 myhost connmand[1223]: virbr0 {update} flags 69699 <UP,RUNNING,LOWER_UP>
Oct 31 09:28:52 myhost connmand[1223]: virbr0 {newlink} index 5 address 52:54:00:CA:96:BD mtu 1500
Oct 31 09:28:52 myhost connmand[1223]: virbr0 {newlink} index 5 operstate 6 <UP>
Oct 31 09:28:52 myhost kernel: [  523.427132] virbr0: port 1(vnet0) entered forwarding state
Oct 31 09:28:52 myhost kernel: [  523.427136] virbr0: topology change detected, propagating
Oct 31 09:28:55 myhost connmand[1223]: vnet0 {RX} 0 packets 0 bytes
Oct 31 09:28:55 myhost connmand[1223]: vnet0 {TX} 1 packets 590 bytes
Oct 31 09:28:55 myhost connmand[1223]: vnet0 {newlink} index 6 address FE:54:00:A0:AC:92 mtu 1500
Oct 31 09:28:55 myhost connmand[1223]: vnet0 {newlink} index 6 operstate 0 <UNKNOWN>
Oct 31 09:28:55 myhost connmand[1223]: vnet0 {RX} 0 packets 0 bytes
Oct 31 09:28:55 myhost connmand[1223]: vnet0 {TX} 1 packets 590 bytes
Oct 31 09:28:55 myhost connmand[1223]: vnet0 {newlink} index 6 address FE:54:00:A0:AC:92 mtu 1500
Oct 31 09:28:55 myhost connmand[1223]: vnet0 {newlink} index 6 operstate 0 <UNKNOWN>
Oct 31 09:28:55 myhost connmand[1223]: vnet0 {RX} 0 packets 0 bytes
Oct 31 09:28:55 myhost connmand[1223]: vnet0 {TX} 1 packets 590 bytes
Oct 31 09:28:55 myhost connmand[1223]: vnet0 {newlink} index 6 address FE:54:00:A0:AC:92 mtu 1500
Oct 31 09:28:55 myhost connmand[1223]: vnet0 {newlink} index 6 operstate 0 <UNKNOWN>
Oct 31 09:28:57 myhost dnsmasq-dhcp[2932]: DHCPREQUEST(virbr0) 52:54:00:a0:ac:92 
Oct 31 09:28:57 myhost dnsmasq-dhcp[2932]: DHCPACK(virbr0) 52:54:00:a0:ac:92 goingmerry
Oct 31 09:29:28 myhost avahi-daemon[1220]: Joining mDNS multicast group on interface vnet0.IPv4 with address
Oct 31 09:29:28 myhost avahi-daemon[1220]: New relevant interface vnet0.IPv4 for mDNS.
Oct 31 09:29:28 myhost avahi-daemon[1220]: Registering new address record for on vnet0.IPv4.
Oct 31 09:29:28 myhost connmand[1223]: vnet0 {add} address label vnet0 family 2
Oct 31 09:29:28 myhost connmand[1223]: vnet0 {add} route gw scope 253 <LINK>
Oct 31 09:29:28 myhost connmand[1223]: vnet0 {add} route gw scope 253 <LINK>


一旦我关闭 KVM 来宾,主机上的连接就会恢复:

$ ping www.google.com
PING www.google.com ( 56(84) bytes of data.
From serenity.local ( icmp_seq=1 Destination Host Unreachable
From serenity.local ( icmp_seq=53 Destination Host Unreachable
From serenity.local ( icmp_seq=54 Destination Host Unreachable
From serenity.local ( icmp_seq=55 Destination Host Unreachable
64 bytes from fra24s06-in-f4.1e100.net ( icmp_seq=57 ttl=119 time=12.6 ms
64 bytes from fra24s06-in-f4.1e100.net ( icmp_seq=58 ttl=119 time=12.4 ms
64 bytes from fra24s06-in-f4.1e100.net ( icmp_seq=59 ttl=119 time=12.3 ms
64 bytes from fra24s06-in-f4.1e100.net ( icmp_seq=60 ttl=119 time=12.5 ms
# tail /var/log/syslog

Oct 31 09:53:05 myhost avahi-daemon[1220]: Interface vnet0.IPv6 no longer relevant for mDNS.
Oct 31 09:53:05 myhost kernel: [ 1976.540921] virbr0: port 1(vnet0) entered disabled state
Oct 31 09:53:05 myhost kernel: [ 1976.541608] device vnet0 left promiscuous mode
Oct 31 09:53:05 myhost kernel: [ 1976.541616] virbr0: port 1(vnet0) entered disabled state
Oct 31 09:53:05 myhost avahi-daemon[1220]: Leaving mDNS multicast group on interface vnet0.IPv6 with address fe80::fc54:ff:fea0:ac92.
Oct 31 09:53:05 myhost connmand[1223]: vnet0 {RX} 176 packets 28758 bytes
Oct 31 09:53:05 myhost connmand[1223]: vnet0 {TX} 1332 packets 162018 bytes
Oct 31 09:53:05 myhost connmand[1223]: vnet0 {update} flags 4098 <DOWN>
Oct 31 09:53:05 myhost connmand[1223]: vnet0 {newlink} index 6 address FE:54:00:A0:AC:92 mtu 1500
Oct 31 09:53:05 myhost connmand[1223]: vnet0 {newlink} index 6 operstate 2 <DOWN>
Oct 31 09:53:05 myhost avahi-daemon[1220]: Interface vnet0.IPv4 no longer relevant for mDNS.
Oct 31 09:53:05 myhost avahi-daemon[1220]: Leaving mDNS multicast group on interface vnet0.IPv4 with address
Oct 31 09:53:05 myhost avahi-daemon[1220]: Withdrawing address record for fe80::fc54:ff:fea0:ac92 on vnet0.
Oct 31 09:53:05 myhost avahi-daemon[1220]: Withdrawing address record for on vnet0.
Oct 31 09:53:05 myhost connmand[1223]: Removing default interface route failed (No such device)
Oct 31 09:53:05 myhost connmand[1223]: Removing default interface route failed (No such device)
Oct 31 09:53:05 myhost connmand[1223]: Removing default interface route failed (No such device)
Oct 31 09:53:05 myhost avahi-daemon[1220]: Withdrawing address record for ::1 on lo.
Oct 31 09:53:05 myhost avahi-daemon[1220]: Leaving mDNS multicast group on interface lo.IPv6 with address ::1.
Oct 31 09:53:05 myhost avahi-daemon[1220]: Interface lo.IPv6 no longer relevant for mDNS.
Oct 31 09:53:05 myhost avahi-daemon[1220]: Withdrawing address record for fe80::6d9:f5ff:fe7d:c265 on enp5s0.
Oct 31 09:53:05 myhost avahi-daemon[1220]: Leaving mDNS multicast group on interface enp5s0.IPv6 with address fe80::6d9:f5ff:fe7d:c265.
Oct 31 09:53:05 myhost avahi-daemon[1220]: Interface enp5s0.IPv6 no longer relevant for mDNS.
Oct 31 09:53:05 myhost avahi-daemon[1220]: Joining mDNS multicast group on interface lo.IPv6 with address ::1.
Oct 31 09:53:05 myhost avahi-daemon[1220]: New relevant interface lo.IPv6 for mDNS.
Oct 31 09:53:05 myhost avahi-daemon[1220]: Registering new address record for ::1 on lo.*.
Oct 31 09:53:05 myhost connmand[1223]: (null) {del} route fe80:: gw :: scope 0 <UNIVERSE>
Oct 31 09:53:05 myhost connmand[1223]: vnet0 {newlink} index 6 address FE:54:00:A0:AC:92 mtu 1500
Oct 31 09:53:05 myhost connmand[1223]: vnet0 {newlink} index 6 operstate 2 <DOWN>
Oct 31 09:53:05 myhost connmand[1223]: (null) {del} address label vnet0
Oct 31 09:53:05 myhost connmand[1223]: vnet0 {newlink} index 6 address FE:54:00:A0:AC:92 mtu 1500
Oct 31 09:53:05 myhost connmand[1223]: vnet0 {newlink} index 6 operstate 2 <DOWN>
Oct 31 09:53:05 myhost connmand[1223]: vnet0 {dellink} index 6 operstate 2 <DOWN>
Oct 31 09:53:05 myhost connmand[1223]: (null) {remove} index 6
Oct 31 09:53:05 myhost connmand[1223]: Remove interface (null) [ ethernet ]
Oct 31 09:53:05 myhost connmand[1223]: virbr0 {RX} 176 packets 26294 bytes
Oct 31 09:53:05 myhost connmand[1223]: virbr0 {TX} 165 packets 47346 bytes
Oct 31 09:53:05 myhost connmand[1223]: virbr0 {update} flags 4163 <UP,RUNNING>
Oct 31 09:53:05 myhost connmand[1223]: virbr0 {newlink} index 5 address 52:54:00:CA:96:BD mtu 1500
Oct 31 09:53:05 myhost connmand[1223]: virbr0 {newlink} index 5 operstate 6 <UP>
Oct 31 09:53:05 myhost connmand[1223]: vnet0 {dellink} index 6 operstate 2 <DOWN>
Oct 31 09:53:05 myhost connmand[1223]: virbr0 {RX} 176 packets 26294 bytes
Oct 31 09:53:05 myhost connmand[1223]: virbr0 {TX} 165 packets 47346 bytes
Oct 31 09:53:05 myhost connmand[1223]: virbr0 {update} flags 4099 <UP>
Oct 31 09:53:05 myhost connmand[1223]: virbr0 {newlink} index 5 address 52:54:00:CA:96:BD mtu 1500
Oct 31 09:53:05 myhost connmand[1223]: virbr0 {newlink} index 5 operstate 2 <DOWN>
Oct 31 09:53:05 myhost connmand[1223]: enp5s0 {del} route fe80:: gw :: scope 0 <UNIVERSE>
Oct 31 09:53:05 myhost connmand[1223]: enp5s0 {add} route fe80:: gw :: scope 0 <UNIVERSE>
Oct 31 09:53:05 myhost systemd[1]: machine-qemu\x2d1\x2dgoingmerry.scope: Succeeded.
Oct 31 09:53:05 myhost systemd[1]: machine-qemu\x2d1\x2dgoingmerry.scope: Consumed 1min 29.000s CPU time.
Oct 31 09:53:05 myhost kernel: [ 1976.813274] audit: type=1400 audit(1667206385.703:20): apparmor="STATUS" operation="profile_remove" profile="unconfined" name="libvirt-24a0099b-399b-4737-b766-6c64a25c18f7" pid=3352 comm="apparmor_parser"
Oct 31 09:53:06 myhost avahi-daemon[1220]: Joining mDNS multicast group on interface enp5s0.IPv6 with address fe80::6d9:f5ff:fe7d:c265.
Oct 31 09:53:06 myhost avahi-daemon[1220]: New relevant interface enp5s0.IPv6 for mDNS.
Oct 31 09:53:06 myhost avahi-daemon[1220]: Registering new address record for fe80::6d9:f5ff:fe7d:c265 on enp5s0.*.

