使用pulseaudio jack sink后vlc播放问题

使用pulseaudio jack sink后vlc播放问题

发行版:Debian Bullseye 音频接口:M-Audio M-Track 2X2M、Focusrite Scarlett 2i4

我可以用 vlc、mpv、quodlibet、firefox 播放任何声音。

我启动 jack,仍然可以通过告诉每个应用程序使用来播放声音Pulseaudio 插孔接收器

当停止插孔时,每个软件都会从插孔接收器返回到音频接口。除了 vlc 有音频播放问题(图像看起来不错)之外,它们都播放得很好(在停止插孔时出现短暂的转换故障)。


使用 M-Audio M-Track 2X2M 时,声音每隔几秒就会停止,并且控制台中充满了这些错误:

[0000559265fdea20] pulse audio output warning: starting late (-17920 us)
[0000559265fdea20] main audio output warning: playback way too early (-512867): playing silence
[0000559265fdea20] main audio output warning: playback too late (60253): up-sampling
[0000559265fdea20] main audio output warning: timing screwed (drift: 121333 us): stopping resampling
[0000559265fdea20] main audio output warning: playback too late (121292): up-sampling
[0000559265fdea20] main audio output warning: playback way too late (182033): flushing buffers
[0000559265fdea20] main audio output warning: playback way too early (-508497): playing silence
[0000559265fdea20] main audio output warning: playback too late (75859): up-sampling
[0000559265fdea20] main audio output warning: timing screwed (drift: 154957 us): stopping resampling
[0000559265fdea20] main audio output warning: playback too late (154937): up-sampling
[0000559265fdea20] main audio output warning: playback way too late (194625): flushing buffers
[0000559265fdea20] pulse audio output warning: starting late (-1470 us)
[0000559265fdea20] main audio output warning: playback way too early (-508119): playing silence
[0000559265fdea20] main audio output warning: playback too late (60012): up-sampling
[0000559265fdea20] main audio output warning: timing screwed (drift: 120048 us): stopping resampling
[0000559265fdea20] main audio output warning: playback too late (120331): up-sampling
[0000559265fdea20] main audio output warning: playback way too late (180143): flushing buffers
[0000559265fdea20] pulse audio output warning: starting late (-3654 us)
[0000559265fdea20] main audio output warning: playback way too early (-548874): playing silence
[0000559265fdea20] main audio output warning: playback too late (77824): up-sampling
[0000559265fdea20] main audio output warning: timing screwed (drift: 159831 us): stopping resampling
[0000559265fdea20] main audio output warning: playback too late (159790): up-sampling
[0000559265fdea20] main audio output warning: playback way too late (180711): flushing buffers
[0000559265fdea20] pulse audio output warning: starting late (-19826 us)
[0000559265fdea20] main audio output warning: playback way too early (-513173): playing silence
[0000559265fdea20] main audio output warning: playback too late (60207): up-sampling

使用 Scarlett 时,我没有遇到这些错误,声音也不会停止,但听起来很脏,就像被削波一样。

vlc 似乎是唯一受影响的播放器。

重新启动 vlc 没有帮助。



systemctl --user restart pulseaudio

我一无所知。我在系统日志中没有看到任何相关内容。我能找到的唯一显示相关内容的日志是上面引用的 vlc 日志,但恐怕它只显示结果,而不显示根本原因。

我刚刚在停止 jack 时注意到 QjackCtl 中的那些错误。它们仅在使用脉冲音频插孔接收器时出现。

Sat Dec  3 18:13:29 2022: Client 'qjackctl' with PID 5618 is out
Sat Dec  3 18:13:29 2022: Stopping jack server...
Sat Dec  3 18:13:29 2022: Client 'system' with PID 0 is out
Sat Dec  3 18:13:29 2022: Client 'PulseAudio JACK Sink' with PID 5393 is out
Sat Dec  3 18:13:29 2022: Client 'PulseAudio JACK Source' with PID 5393 is out
Sat Dec  3 18:13:29 2022: ERROR: Cannot write socket fd = 47 err = Broken pipe
Sat Dec  3 18:13:29 2022: ERROR: CheckRes error
Sat Dec  3 18:13:29 2022: ERROR: Could not write notification
Sat Dec  3 18:13:29 2022: ERROR: ClientNotify fails name = system notification = 1 val1 = 0 val2 = 0
Sat Dec  3 18:13:29 2022: ERROR: Cannot write socket fd = 51 err = Broken pipe
Sat Dec  3 18:13:29 2022: ERROR: CheckRes error
Sat Dec  3 18:13:29 2022: ERROR: Could not write notification
Sat Dec  3 18:13:29 2022: ERROR: ClientNotify fails name = system notification = 1 val1 = 0 val2 = 0
Sat Dec  3 18:13:29 2022: Released audio card Audio1
Sat Dec  3 18:13:29 2022: ERROR: Cannot write socket fd = 47 err = Broken pipe
Sat Dec  3 18:13:29 2022: ERROR: CheckRes error
Sat Dec  3 18:13:29 2022: ERROR: Could not write notification
Sat Dec  3 18:13:29 2022: ERROR: ClientNotify fails name = freewheel notification = 1 val1 = 0 val2 = 0
Sat Dec  3 18:13:29 2022: ERROR: Cannot write socket fd = 51 err = Broken pipe
Sat Dec  3 18:13:29 2022: ERROR: CheckRes error
Sat Dec  3 18:13:29 2022: ERROR: Could not write notification
Sat Dec  3 18:13:29 2022: ERROR: ClientNotify fails name = freewheel notification = 1 val1 = 0 val2 = 0

