Debian 下推荐的 Mailman3 web cron 作业配置是什么?

Debian 下推荐的 Mailman3 web cron 作业配置是什么?

Mailman3网页版安装说明询问各种 cron 作业的配置。这在Debian Mailman3 安装说明,这可能表明 Debianmailman3-full软件包设置了所需的内容。然而 中没有列出任何 cron 作业/var/spool/cron/crontabs/

此外,尝试从命令行运行指定的作业(例如sudo -u list mailman /usr/bin/mailman-web runjobs hourly)会导致错误:ValueError: Language code already registered: ar


Debian 上的软件包mailman3安装了一组 cron 计划



# /etc/cron.d/mailman3: crontab entries for the mailman3 package


# At 8AM, send out notifices of pending requests to list moderators
0  8 * * *  list    if [ -x /usr/bin/mailman ]; then /usr/bin/mailman notify; fi

# At 12AM, send mail digests for lists that do periodic as well as threshold delivery
0 12 * * *  list    if [ -x /usr/bin/mailman ]; then /usr/bin/mailman digests --periodic; fi

# Every 15 minutes, gate messages from usenet to those lists which have the gateway configured
*/15 * * * *   list    if [ -x /usr/bin/mailman ]; then /usr/bin/mailman gatenews; fi

