

我试图在 Latex 中复制此文档。有人知道他们使用的是什么字体以及如何获得侧面的背景颜色吗?







\section{Using packages}

This section illustrates the use of the amsfonts package.  Besides the itemize feature used, it also makes use of some special characters  which  can  easily  be  accessed;    for example the command {\textcolor{red}{clubsuit}} produces the  character  in  front  of  ”\textbf{\underline{Problem}}”  below.   Moreover,  math  symbols  illustrated here  are  commonly  used  during  any  math program, such as $\eta$.  Note that icons commands are named after the usual names, example  clubsuit  is  the  clubs  in  the  deck  of cards. \vspace{.25cm}\\ 
The   document   also   illustrates   the   ability    to    insert    images    as    background.This    is    achieved    using    the    package {\textcolor{red}{background.sty}}.  This package is includedin the download of the MikTex and or TexWorks  software.    While  running  the  pro-gram,  you  need  to  remove  the  graphicxpackage from the header of this tex document.\\
I used the following code to obtain the effect:

\textbackslash usepackage[\\ 
placement=top, \\ \indent
position=\{0,0\},\\ \indent
angle=0,\\ \indent
scale=1,\\ \indent
hshift=-40,\\ \indent
]\{background\}\\backgroundsetup\{contents=\{\\ \indent includegraphics[width=1cm,\\
\indent height=20cm]\{tree\}\}\}\\}\vspace{.25cm}

\noindent Of course the coordinate (0, 0) positions thestart of image at top left corner.  From here,I altered the shifts to get the image at theright position.\\ \indent
The background package also allows you to color a certain region of the page with a background color of choice. \\ \indent Notice under ”Some Functions:”, the capital letter P is written as $ \mathbb{P} $.  This can be obtained using the command mathbb\{P\}.\\
\indent Remember  that  commands  carry  thebackslash before it. 


\section{An enumerated list using icons vs numbering}
\item \textbf{\underline{Problem}}\\
There is none. \\
\LaTeX\ is easy.

\item \textbf{\underline{Some Functions:}}
\item $tan  x $

\item $ F(x) = \mathbb{P}(X \geq x) = 
   \begin{cases} 0 & x > a \\
   \frac{x-a}{b-a} & a \geq x \geq b \\
   1 & b > x \\

\item $ \displaystyle{ \lim_{x\to\infty} \left(2+\frac{1}{x} \right)^x} $
\item \underline{Some Math Symbols:}
\item  $\eta$
\item $\sigma$
\item $\epsilon$
\item $\alpha $

\item \textbf{\underline{Finite and Infinite Summations}}

\item $ \sum  $ 
\item $ \int $
\item $ \oint $



\section{Page Format}
For this document, I used legal paper versus the usual a4 paper.  Of course more styles can be added to a document to make it more visually attractive, but we must abide by Technical Writing principles, ”Simplicity is Sophistication”; that is, add details that highlight the document,do not create documents that highlight details.





% !TeX TS-program = pdflatex





\section{Using packages}    
This section illustrates the use of the amsfonts package.  Besides the itemize feature used, it also makes use of some special characters  which  can  easily  be  accessed;    for example the command {\textcolor{red}{clubsuit}} produces the  character  in  front  of  ``\textbf{\underline{Problem}}''  below.   Moreover,  math  symbols  illustrated here  are  commonly  used  during  any  math program, such as $\eta$.  Note that icons commands are named after the usual names, example  clubsuit  is  the  clubs  in  the  deck  of cards. 

The   document   also   illustrates   the   ability    to    insert    images    as    background.
This    is    achieved    using    the    package {\textcolor{red}{background.sty}}. 
This package is included in the download of the MikTex and or TexWorks  software.  
While  running  the  program,  you  need  to  remove  the  graphicx package from the header of this tex document.   

I used the following code to obtain the effect:


\backgroundsetup\{contents= {

\noindent Of course the coordinate (0, 0) positions the start of image at top left corner.  From here, I altered the shifts to get the image at the right position.

The background package also allows you to color a certain region of the page with a background color of choice.

Notice under ``\textbf{Some Functions:}'', the capital letter P is written as
This can be obtained using the command  {\color{red} \verb_mathbb{P}_}.

Remember  that  commands  carry  the backslash before it. 


\section{An enumerated list using icons vs numbering}

